Although an untold number of pundits and the mainstream media have echoed in song the European crisis is behind us, nothing could be further from the truth. Just yesterday, while three big French banks were being downgraded, a deal reached by the Greek Government and its private creditors has been rejected by Eurozone finance ministers. Today, IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde called for a larger bailout fund for the European Central bank to work with to prohibit "disastrous implications for systemic stability.”
As distressing as it is that foreign markets have deteriorated to such levels, more troubling is the idea that all this has been orchestrated. Orchestrated to collapse monetary systems into a global structure, perhaps headed by the IMF.
Sound far fetched?
Romano Prodi, former Goldman Sachs consultant, creator of the Euro and former EU Commission President, offered the following comment in December of 2001.
"I am sure the Euro will oblige us to introduce a new set of economic policy instruments. It is politically impossible to propose that now. But some day there will be a crisis and new instruments will be created.”
Europe is in full financial crisis as we speak, and those in control of the purse strings make demands of member nations, which at best decreases their sovereignty. Nigel Farage has been calling out these folks for a few years now, and he was at it again last November.
Should a new economic system come to fruition and a new structure take over, it will be based on the collective, or Communism. Unfortunately, as the must read blog Zero Hedge reports, this may be beginning in Italy, who is on the verge of collapse. Glenn Beck has more:
Although the media is complicit in the events of the day, you likely do not come across the very strange stories taking place on a daily basis. Technocrats are running the show, but not only in Europe. In the form of Obama's cast of Czars, we have technocrats orchestrating policy here in America as we speak, led by Cass Sunstein.
For some examples, recall the shafting of the auto maker bond holders, and more recently, the investors left holding the bag at MF Global. Central to this is the Federal Reserve, who as First Principles Capital Management CEO Doug Dachille contends, has taken over the casino. In short, wealth is being transferred, without your consent.
Those in favor of globalization, and President Barack Obama has long been associated with these folks, are working hard to destabilize and collapse the economic system of America, Cloward and Piven style. Who with any sanity would manage increasing debt levels of north of 15 trillion? That more than defines unsustainable.
Kevin Freeman, CEO of the Freeman Global Investment Counsel and author of the new bestseller "Secret Weapon," recently spoke with Glenn Beck about his contention of how the 2008 crash came to pass. Please take time to listen to this compelling information:
Each of the players are still quite active, and Freeman points out we are in the midst of the third and final stage. The re-election of President Obama would allow him to escalate the collapse where a European style structure will be waiting to take over. Through his actions and grand thoughts of himself, it is obvious Obama would love to be Dictator in Chief. Even is he is defeated, the job of reversing the direction will be very tough, as players on both sides are participatory in this effort.
Should a major crisis occur, most will be longing for government assistance, assistance the government will be all to willing to give, free market capitalism will pay a heavy price. The price to paid is a monumental loss of individual liberty and freedom, something those preaching the collective, such as shared sacrifice, are aiming to restrict if not eliminate.
The salvation of the state is the watchfulness in its citizen, provided the citizen has the power granted by our Founding Fathers and the US Constitution. Don't let the technocrats take it away. Should it happen, no technocrats will call a technical foul. The game, the grand experiment, our Gift, will be over.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Technocratic Foul
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