Saturday, January 28, 2012

Slow Creep of Socialized Medicine

In the past, way back, like a year ago, both Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich, were supporters of a mandate to force the purchase of individual health care. Pam Bondi, Attorney General of Florida, expresses how Mitt Romney will implement a state run system of mandated health care. Take a listen:
While many claim to be Reaganites, especially Gingrich, back in the early 60's Reagan stood firm against the slow creep of socialism through individual health care mandates. Take a listen:

Romney does not claim any association with Reagan, problematic to be sure. Gingrich did carry buckets of water during Reagan's presidency, but unfortunately, he has been for the health care mandate for over 20 years.

Free market capitalism is in favor of the private sector providing such health care options. Where there is demand, there will be supply, with risk appropriately measured and priced into the yield curve.

AP reports Rick Santorum is tired and back in Pennsylvania for the Florida primary. Too bad, since he has been outspoken against the implementation of socialized medicine.

Florida voters, it is time to send a big message. Join me in doing so!

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