Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Surfing With Serfs

The Democrats frequently inform us that evil corporations are not people, just faceless entities who deserve to be looted since they exploited the citizenry for profits.

Recently, I wrote checks out of my corporations accounts to pay federal and state unemployment tax, along with the regular and increasing taxes due either quarterly or annually. Last time I looked, I am a person.

Meanwhile, President Obama is proposing budgets that increase the debt exponentially, and if implemented, could very well collapse our country, Cloward and Piven style. As utterly insulting as Obama's budget is, at least he produced one, unlike the Senate, who under Harry Reid, D:NV, have failed in their legal and fiduciary responsibility to submit one.

Question for you. If you have an annual debt the size of your total assets, would you not think it prudent to put together a budget in an effort to identify and rein in cost cutting opportunities? Yeah, me too.

In the mail this past week came notice that, because the state of Florida had to borrow from the federal government to pay unemployment benefits, an additional unemployment tax must be paid by each of my corporations to cover the cost of the interest. Lovely, incompetence in fiscal management by the government requires additional tax payments by corporations, hence, individuals. Idiots at large.

Senator Jim DeMint, R:SC, sat down with Larry Kudlow to discuss his Wall Street Journal editorial piece and how the financial malfeasance of Obama and his Progressive Senatorial cohorts threatens the sovereignty of our nation. Take a listen:

Beyond the absurd fantasy of the President's budget, the administration is now floating the idea of a global minimum tax. Can you imagine? We are nothing but broke and now we want to tax our citizenry to expand the transfer of wealth masquerading as funding global initiatives. This is insanity, unless you are tyring to bring America down to the level of third world nations. It was President Obama who said America was no more special than any other nation. So in the name of fairness, Obama will implement plans to have America share her wealth.

It was Margaret Thatcher that said socialism is fine until you run out of other peoples money, and at that time, bad things happen. See Greece. As Ronald Reagan said, the more the planners plan, the more the planners fail. While elitest government officials think they can better plan your life than you can, it was our founding fathers who based our economy on free market principles who were correct, as free market capitalism remains the best path to prosperity.

Freidrich Hayek' outstanding chronicle The Road To Serfdom thoroughly explains the path our government is leading us on, a path that leads to the destruction of society. Glenn Beck covers this masterpiece thoroughly HERE, HERE, and HERE, but this video is short and stout. Take a look:

Several components are in play now. The media is a giant propaganda machine, and a future dictator finds it most helpful. Early steps of the dictator is to inflame the majority in common cause against some scapegoat minority, the investors and bankers. The least educated, led by firery oratory, form a party or occupy in protest. The formation of a civil army is being formed, with many a propaganda arm.

America must stop the insanity, recognize the lies (unemployment rate as an example) and change course quickly, before it is too late. We have run out of everyone else's money.

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