Saturday, January 5, 2013

Cliff Diving Propaganda

While the ball was dropping on Times Square New Years Eve, negotiations were well underway by our elected representatives to produce legislation to prohibit our nation from going over the "fiscal cliff".

Finally, at the very last moment, a deal was struck and the mainstream media outlets were quick to applaud the success and praise the leadership of President Obama, who interrupted his vacation to spearhead the effort.  At the corner of Wall and Broad, when the capital markets opened, the bulls were running with high end investors drunk with easy money swallowing manipulated government data, such as the unemployment rate, inflation levels and the consumer price index (CPI).

With the media gushing over the newly crafted legislation which "saved" America from the fiscal cliff, the level of propaganda distorting the truth and creating a false reality engulfing the non critical thinking low information voters would leave Edward Bernays orgasmic.

We drove off the cliff sometime ago, and the pomp and circumstance associated with crafting legislation in DC is propaganda designed to praise false successes while concealing the economic realities most cannot comprehend.

While the progressives rejoice the deal as victory, it is actually a significant defeat for not only the GOP, but American prosperity.  The deal consisted of more spending and higher levels of taxation for certain income levels while conspicuously stimulating others.  This would sadly include NASCAR, a sport I strongly support and enjoy and an corporation I am a shareholder of (ISCA:NASDAQ). 

This deal increases the deficit exponentially.  While Obama pontificates about a "balanced" approach to curbing the debt, the deal was approximately 41/1 spending to cuts.  Since we have a spending problem and not a revenue problem, contrary to the propaganda, the deal fails to address the looming catastrophe voters, and obviously many in DC, fail to recognize. Or do they?

As pathetic as it is, the government has aggravated the problem by increasing spending.  Fixing the debt will come later they proclaim, but kicking the can down the road has significant costs.

In addition, as we assist in crumbling ourselves from within, our enemies foreign, and domestic, are planning and positioning to accelerate our demise.

Sadly, Paul Ryan (R:WI) voted yes, and saying he supported it to “get this issue behind us, … prevent this massive tax increase and … focus on spending now". This is most concerning.  Ryan of all people should have a deep understanding who our opponent is.  Recall Obama, in response to Ryan releasing a plan, invited Ryan to a speech only to scold and ridicule him Saul Alinsky style.

I recognize many in GOP are progressives, and are addicted to the spending as long as they get theirs, but I am stunned so many, most notably Ryan, found Obama had characteristics as an honest broker.  Obama is a charlatan, an ideologue who governs outside of the reasonable rhetoric of his public persona and has already threatened to stranglehold the GOP with blame through media enhanced propaganda.

Now, after additional predicted failures, Speaker Boehner says he is "done negotiating with Obama".  Really?  Negotiations with parties that are dishonest are doomed to failure, and those "working" with Obama have been exposed as fools. Many claiming to oppose Obama, in the end, are progressives and that is why so few are willing to really step up the fight.

Even after all his failed leadership, Boehner was re-elected Speaker with little opposition.  Boehner, no friend of the Tea Party, should have been vigorously challenged.  Until the GOP stands up to fight, Obama will continue to destroy this nation through his implementation of social justice running roughshod over his political opponents who he carries significant disdain for.

Uncle Sam is broke, and cannot pay his debts.  The country is, and has been, in recession, although the government propaganda informs us otherwise. The economy is about to really bog down and not withstanding governmental intervention, economic realities are continuing to flood the marketplace. 

Reasonable efforts to kick start and grow the economy have not been presented, and the reasons are clear for those willing to look. The Obama administration is actively seeking the collapse of the economy, as we have pointed out repeatedly, noting the Cloward and Piven theory.  They abhor the current system, and aim to remold a new system structure after the collapse.  The new system presents significant limits on freedom and liberty, confining economic prowess and thus handicapping those aiming to better their lives through financial growth and independence.

The American public is being lied to in significant and alarming fashion, and without an increased level of involvement by the electorate, dishonest and evil people are stealing your money and freedom.

Make every effort to separate yourself from the propaganda you are hit with on a daily basis.  Find and utilize alternative sources for information, and do your own homework.  Increasing governmental power over the people, from entitlements to government run health care, reduces freedom and enhances dependency.

Founding principles must be adhered to, as free market capitalism remains the best path to prosperity.  Saving our freedom will depend on your participation, sooner or later.

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