Recently, a Facebook post came across my page where an individual claimed MLK meant nothing to him and he wondered why a holiday was wasted in such fashion. Sadly, this individual is grossly lacking the proper historical perspective on Dr. King, an individual most worthy of the high regard our nation holds him in. Dr. King was a deep man of faith, who preached equality and personal responsibility through peace, civility and love with exemplary leadership in rhetoric and action.
While it is hard to imagine the goings on back when Dr. King led his movement, rest assured his work was righteous and most difficult, ultimately costing him his life. King was relentless and did not waiver in his grand objectives, but he had faith in what he was working to accomplish and knew he would have history on his side.
If you examine the picture below of Dr. King leading a march, while you can see his resolve, you can also clearly see the fear written on he and his fellow civil rights activists faces.
Sadly, over the years with the help of a leftist media in concert to rewrite history, the legacy of Dr. King has been hijacked. All sorts of folks, white and black, have allowed those wishing to alter King historically succeed.
Take the Facebook post for the director of Showtime, LA Laker great Earvin "Magic" Johnson, a 2012 Hall of Bahl inductee.
No doubt about it, Magic has love for Dr. King correctly noting that King's efforts paved the way for individuals like Magic to achieve greatness. Perhaps Magic does not fully understand the new definition of social justice, but Dr. King would be against it.
Social justice as defined by the left has a strong transformation of wealth component built in, complete with a perceived faith based obligation for the government to provide basic services. The government takeover of health care and the increasing of taking wealth from the makers to provide to an exponentially expanding group of takers are prime examples.
King wanted, accurately, for individuals, most notably the discriminated against the African American community, to be judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin. In addition, individuals should be rewarded and afforded opportunities to reach higher levels based on merit and work ethic, which is in direct contrast to the entitlement philosophy of the Obama administration. King knew that if you disrespect the individual robbing them of their identity and incentive through offering handouts as opposed to opportunity was in itself a form of slavery and against the free market principles King believed in.
More importantly was the approach of King, who stressed respect and demeanor, for King knew if his movement advocated violence, their credibility would be lost. That is in far contrast to the Democratic leaders of today, who claim to carry the torch King so eloquently lit.
See Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D:CA) leading a gang reenacting the picture above as they went to vote on Obamacare, The lens is dripping with arrogance, but in my opinion there is a strong disrespect for the battle King fought and the principles he believed in.
King was all about civility, both in how he carried himself and instructed his movement, and in how he respected the laws and system of governance. King learned lessons from Frederick Douglass, but unfortunately, those who claim to be his torch bearers would draw ire from King if he were alive today.
King was all about non violence, but he was not involved in advancing gun control. King believed in the family and the role of faith in the family, and wold be heartbroken at the disrepair of the African American family and how God has been shown the door. King would certainly be against abortion.
In contrast to the example King set forth, get a load of the lack of civility witnessed on inauguration day:
- Paul Ryan, (R:WI) was booed by a cross section of Democrats and the progressive media, who celebrated the lack of civility rather than acting in behavior Dr. King would applaud.
- Obama could not leave Ryan alone, taking a jab at him in his inaugural speech.
- Sarah Palin posted some lovely commentary in honor of Dr. King only to be brutalized by leftists.
- Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D:NY) likened Republicans to suicide bombers; a hideous choice of words to be sure.
- First Lady Michelle Obama disrespected Hosue Speaker John Boehner at the inaugural lunch.
- Rev. Jonathan V. Newman presiding at the Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church, offering prayers with President Obama on the second row, asked God’s blessing for him and his family. “But also prepare him for battle … because sometimes enemies insist on doing it the hard way,”
- CBS News political director John Dickerson wrote a piece this week calling on Obama to "pulverise" and "go for the throat" of Republicans. So much for the media bias defense.
These are truly despicable people, narcissists who have little respect for the American people. MLK would have little common ground with progressives acting in this disrespectful fashion.
King was conservative in his values and principles, which led him to lean republican. CNN unleashed an article condemning the notion, for it certainly disrupts the narrative. "But those who marched with King and studied his work say that notion is absurd. The political class that once opposed King, they argue, is now trying to distort his message."
The opposite is true.
Dr. Alveda King, has spoke candidly regarding her Uncle and where he stood on many of the issues of the day. Alveda spends the majority of her time in anti-abortion advocacy, but is a frequent guest on many outlets and happy to talk about her beloved Uncle Martin. In 2010, she joined Pastor Stephen Broden in a great discussion on The Glenn Beck radio program. Read the transcript HERE.
As reported in "Frederick Douglass Republicans": by K. Carl Smith, King supported and voted for Dwight David Eisenhower for President. King subscribed to the conclusions drawn by Frederick Douglass regarding the three fifths clause, a much misrepresented aspect of the Constitution which contrary to leftist propaganda was anti-slavery.
The left are those who, as is alarmingly true with many historical positions, has transformed and changed the history regarding Dr. Martin Luther King. While most are reveling in the drama of the arrogant and narcissistic President Obama, those who are patriots remember and cherish the contributions and sacrifice of one of the truly great Americans; Dr. Martin Luther King.
Dan Calabrese writes about who deserves adulation today. It is King, In the Name of Love.
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