Certainly, Barack Obama, he who "knows" we are going to have to change our history and traditions, is at the top of list, but in high speed pursuit is would be dictator Michael Bloomberg, Mayor of New York City.
Without question, Bloomberg is out of control.
I would not elect Bloomberg, a former republican turned independent, to pick up the garbage outside. Good thing, because when pressed into action clearing the streets from snow in NYC, he failed miserably. But Bloomberg and his fellow progressives do not waste time learning from their failures, they mash the gas enacting additional governance over the people, restricting freedom and liberty.
For Bloomberg, the list is long. Bloomberg scolded Rudy Guiliani after 9-11 about postponing elections and holding office a little over the term due to the horrific recovery and clean up efforts. When a bomber almost set off a bomb in Times Square, Bloomberg speculated the bomber was a Tea Party member upset about Obamacare. Bloomberg banned food for the homeless because regulatory rules he implemented regarding salt and fat content could not be adequately monitored.
As you may suspect, Bloomberg fully supported the building of an Islamic Mega Mosque blocks from ground zero, and supported trying Guantanamo detainees in New York City. In the aftermath of the Sandy Hook massacre, Boomberg called for an assault weapons ban.
Super storm Hurricane Sandy provided yet another opportunity of failure for Bloomberg, as citizens got very little of promised help. While Mayor Mike was successful in limiting freedom via curfews and road closings, when he toured the Rockaways in Queens he quite appropriately got an earful, while hiding behind his media officer (while he was standing there).
In a ridiculous move, Bloomberg also banned serving soft drinks over 16 ounces, which as you can see below, I gleefully violate with my 64 ounce Diet Coke. Oh thank heaven for 7-11.!
Bloomberg, and progressives all, are of the school of thought that it is their responsibility to control the citizenry by nudging behavior, limiting consumer choice and molding society into their Fabian socialist hearts content.
Bloomberg has really let his dictatorship in New York City go to is head, as his latest move to control the common folk has really gone too far. He is actually aiming to enact policy to inflict unnecessary pain on his constituents in limiting pain killers for law abiding citizens in NY Hospitals. Glenn Beck discussed this on his radio show the other day. Please take a listen:
Sadly, like Obama, Mayor Mike is dong quite a bit of damage, although the majority of our Yankee friends fail to recognize it. Bloomberg is exactly the type of elected official that must be thwarted with every legally permissible action. Politicians like him who think they are above the citizenry and govern as prospective dictators limit freedom and prosperity for all. Elitist hypocrites to be sure.
One would suspect, given his sky high opinion of himself, Bloomberg will attempt to tinker with the law to allow just one more mayoral term. Hopefully, New Yorkers will finally reach a level of sanity and defeat the man who would be King.
The bloom from the policies of his administration is poisonous to free market capitalism, liberty and freedom.
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