Sunday, January 27, 2013

As A General Rule

Obviously, with the election of Barack Obama in 2008 we knew the military would be at increasing odds with the administration. Historically, the left has held disdain for our military and although most of the nation was fooled, Obama is as left wing as it gets.

One of the first eyebrow raisers was the saga surrounding General Stanley McChrystal. A request by US Army General Stanley McCrystal for the immediate need of some 40,000 additional troops to take control over the terrorists in Afghanistan remained unanswered for what seemed an eternity by the all knowing Obama. Due to later comments critical of the Obama administration published in a Rolling Stone article, McChrystal was appropriately fired in 2010. Gen. McChrystal was correct in his assessment, but due to his position he should have withheld commentary.

In June, Brig. Gen. Neil H. Tolley was removed reportedly due to remarks regarding espionage in North Korea.

Beloved General David Petraus resigned after an affair with his biographer, Paula Broadwell, became public.  You may recall Petraus,whom the left found abhorant, was slandered as David Betrayus by the civil left. As it turns out, the administration knew of this inappropriate relationship for some time, seemingly hanging on to the information to box in Petraus when deemed appropriate for a political victory.  However, through his own actions, Petraus made his bed, and although his job performance was explemplary, these actions made him unfit for duty.

But there was more to the Petraus story, as Broadwell was said to have threatened a Tampa socialite who was friends with Pertraus.  The socialite, Jill Kelley, not to be confused with the porn star of the same name, had a most intriguing background.  A jubilant supporter of President Obama, Kelly had been awarded an honorary consul for South Korea, a ceremonial position, and along with her sister, had inside dealings with many of the top brass over at nearby McDill Air Force base.  Gen. John Allen also had numerous interactions with Kelley, and after an investigation, was recently cleared.  I am not sure we completely understand exactly what was going on with Kelley, and we may never know.
General Carter Ham was seemingly made a Benghazi scapegoat and was replaced, although there is word he may have left due to personal family health issues.
This past week, there was continued upheaval among our military leaders.  Navy Commander Luis Molina was dismissed Friday as commander of the USS Pasadena due to lost confidence.
In addition, United States Marine Corps Gen. James “Mad Dog” Mattis was notified that he was being replaced as commander of U.S. Central Command by a note rather than a face to face meeting which is disrespectful.  As Mackubin Thomas Owens writes in The Weekly Standard, "By pushing Mattis overboard, the administration is sending a message that it doesn’t want smart, independently minded generals who speak candidly to their civilian leaders. The message that generals and admirals may receive that they should go along to get along, which is a bad message for the health of U.S. civil-military relations,
While I agree with the assessment concluded by Owens, I am not an expert in military rank and the criteria for evaluating the performance of high ranking military officials. However, it appears there is an unusually high amount of turnover.

The military is one of the few held in high esteem by our citizenry, a group not known for strongly supporting President Obama.  President Obama partially blames our military strength for handicapping third world advancement. For Obama, who is an apologist for American military might, would opportunities to discredit those in charge be useful to his globalist agenda of wealth transformation?

The inability to remotely address the catastrophic economic issues of our country may lead to massive cuts brought about by sequestration, and these cuts would have a deeply negative impact on our military.  By design?
Then, I came across the following video presentation. 

Given my distrust of this administration, coupled with the seemingly extraordinary number of turnover among the top military brass, the litmus test could in fact be a source of the high turnover rate and therefore bears strong consideration.

With regard to the additional topics covered in the video, I concur with many of the conclusions, particularly the obfuscation of the real agenda and the fusion of the administration and the mainstream media and their propaganda distribution. The economic issues are alarmingly real.

President Obama, as he has said, views the Constitution as a charter of negative liberties, says what the states can’t do to you, says what the federal government can’t do to you, but it doesn’t say what the federal government or the state government must do on your behalf.

So, when you have a President at odds with the document he swore to protect and defend, you find yourself in a country with significant internal issues for which governance takes place against the consent of the governed.  Historically, as a general rule, these outcomes have not gone well to say the least.

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