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Michele Bachmann (R:MN) |
There are levels of infiltration in the Unites States government with respect to the Muslim Brotherhood, which demands serious investigation Bachmann was prepared to engage in. Bachmann was worried about what she has witnessed, and as Robert Spencer pointed out in a recent article, sought out to investigate potential "policies and activities that appear to be the result of influence operations conducted by individuals and organizations associated with the Muslim Brotherhood".
While there is certainly a slow creep of Muslim influence in our country, considerable evidence suggests significant infiltration in our government. I want to know, and I appreciate the efforts on Rep. Bachmann in this regard.
Last June, Bachmann and four other Republicans, including Texas Representative Louie Gohmert, sent a letter to the Inspectors General questioning "the Muslim Brotherhood and other radical groups' access to top Obama administration officials". Cited as an example, as Bachmann wrote in the letter, was "The Department's Deputy Chief of Staff, Huma Abedin, has three family members - her late father, her mother and her brother - connected to Muslim Brotherhood operatives and /or organizations,"
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Huma Abedin & Sec. Hillary Clinton |
This was not a personal attack on Ms. Abedin, who most respect as preforming in exemplary fashion in her role under Secretary Clinton, although her marriage to disgraced former Congressman Anthony Weiner raises judgment questions. As it turns out, both of her parents have significant relationships with the Muslim Brotherhood, who in the minds of those not drinking the Obama Kool-Aid, are enemies of those who fight for freedom. The letter posed by Bachmann was perfectly rational and focused on investigating the vetting process of those in government who may have associations with this group.
Another example of a potential Muslim influence involves right wing anti-tax advocate Grover Norquist. The left is hyperventilating over his Americans for Tax Reform pledge, but few seem concerned about ties Norquist has with The Muslim Brotherhood. Married to a Muslim Palestinian born in Kuwait, Norquist resists those who portray all Muslims as terrorists. Nobody with any credibility does, but we do need to have our eyes open to all potential enemies, foreign and domestic. Like Ms. Abbedin, all appears fine with Norquist, but we should have a vetting process for individuals who can effect policy.
Although we could set our watch in anticipation of the vicious attacks which would come from the left, for those still in denial the progressive ruling class is limited to one party the attacks from the GOP were most revealing. Leading the GOP tongue lashing of Bachmann, along with Speaker John Boehner, was none other than John McCain, who caller her actions "sinister". Given Sen. McCain is a war hero, one would surmise that he of all people would want to make sure our government is free from infiltration from individuals and groups that wish us harm. Sadly, this is obviously not the case.
Those lining up in opposition to Bachmann include usual suspects, such as The Washington Post, but also right wind establishment outlets such as The Powerline blog. Rep. Keith Ellison (D:MN), a Muslim, as expected responded to Bachmann, prompting her to write back correcting misrepresented facts, a stalwart maneuver of the left. Ellison is not reasonable on this subject, or many others for that matter.
Andrew McCarthy, a scholar on the subject, backed Bachmann completely and wrote a brilliant editorial making her case, placing into proper perspective the elements and rationale for the concern. Ret. Gen. Jerry Boykin is another backing the efforts Rep. Bachmann.
The Blaze has an extensive report.
In the aftermath of 9-11, the Bush administration reached out to Muslim organizations in a spirit of friendship; however many felt the efforts went to far. Upon election, right out of the gate, the Obama administration seemed to divert from historical positions regarding relationships with governments, groups and individuals who are cozy with terrorist organizations.
There have been many noteworthy instances, from the Egypt speech, to supporting the Mega Mosque at ground zero to the Arab spring, which although highly touted as a vehicle of peace by the regime and the complicit lap dog media, has created extreme chaos in the most troublesome region of the planet.
Issues continue with confusing relationships abroad, which most notably fired up after the events surrounding Benghazi. With respect to Benghazi, Bachmann correctly accused the Obama administration of adopting a "false narrative", and there are clear indications, as Sen. Rand Paul (R:KY) put forth, that the administration was involved in gun running to the Muslim Brotherhood.
Is President Obama aiming to lift up the Islamic position around the world as part of the objective of the global transformation of wealth?
President Obama has nominated Deputy National Security Adviser John Brennan to head the CIA. Brennan, who said jihad is a legitimate tenant of Islam and that terror cannot be defeated as it is a state of mind, is concerning. In addition, he was behind purging intelligence training manuals of the terms "jihad" and "radical Islam". Brennan is quite warm to Iran and their militant extensions, and his nomination should be soundly defeated.
But, if Bachmann is so out to lunch, why would our President be nominating individuals with ideologies which parallel those of The Muslim Brotherhood. Why would our government, after a regime change which has led to control of Egypt by The Muslim Brotherhood, honor a previous agreement to sell F-15 fighter planes and tanks to Egypt? Sadly, this is not all Obama, as GOP Senators are going along.
The global war on terror is not over, and there are significant threats to the US. Therefore, given the countless examples of an uneasy at best warming of relationships with governments, groups and individuals that at best support the slow creep of Sharia and at worst seek to harm our citizenry and way of life, we should get behind Rep. Bachmann in her effort to identify potential infiltration of our government.
More troubling is the reasoning of those who so angrily opposed her efforts. Got me thinking they are hiding something. When considering this subject, things certainly seem radically extended from the normal course of what is and what should never be.
Michele Bachmann should continue to question with boldness, speak without fear and hold to the truth. Enemies appear to be hiding in plain sight.
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