Monday, May 13, 2013

Great Timing for :24

Kiefer Sutherland as Jack Bauer 
We are tunning out of time, but the clock just hit :24.

After a few weeks of horrendous news, inclusive of children being murdered, kidnapped and held as sex slaves, an evil abortion doctor convicted this afternoon on a multitude of crimes including murder, an ongoing flirtation of our government with a terrorist organization in the Muslim Brotherhood, a corrupt government utilizing the IRS as the arm of our oppressive government to target political opponents and our government leaving fellow country men charged with working on behalf of our government to die, comes some good news.

Jack is back! 

And boy howdy, does America need him.

FOX has announced that Kiefer Sutherland, who played the iconic Jack Bauer on the series 24 has agreed to reprise his role, will join the direction of producer Howard Gordon as 24 returns for a limited engagement. What great timing, as our country seems to be burning to the ground on every avenue possible.

Given the times, hopefully Bauer will not have fallen victim to the political correctness of the times.

It is hard to put magic back in a bottle, but with Sutherland and Gordon teaming with former writers co-writers Evan Katz and Manny Coto, we all can hope for the best.  We will look forward to the Live Another Day episodes which come our way in May of 2014, provided we are still free to enjoy television dramas at that time.

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