Thursday, May 9, 2013

Time To Grab Control

It is time to wake up!

Alarm bells are going off, and the phone is ringing. It is 3AM!

Thanks in part to the idiotic decision by the Romney campaign to not run this ad, none of the alarm bells or phone calls have been answered under the Obama administration.  People, American heroes, have died.

What does it matter cried former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton?

Excuse me?

Our government lying to the citizenry and the families of the slain heroes, is of critical importance.  Unless of course, you are in power and cannot be concerned with the proles who employed you to represent them.

We have an administration exhibiting a level of arrogance rarely witnessed who takes great pleasure in distorting the facts, initiating falsehoods and operating outside both the checks and balances of our republic and the rule of law.  Their actions make Richard Nixon look like a childish prankster.

While the events of Benghazi encapsulate the deterioration of sanity at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, most Democrats have made the choice to protect their party leaders rather than helping protect the rule of law and dignity of those who serve our country.  The media is apparently going to sit it out, but the American citizens had better not.

While the stars continue to dance, the freedoms and liberties we hold dear are promptly eroding. It would be far past time to answer the bell, for the rounds are getting late.

We are running out of time to thwart the oppressive encroachment.  When the rule of law is lost, when the song is over, who will be left to tell you where to run?

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