Tuesday, August 12, 2014

No You Did Not

No you did not.

Well, you said you did.

President Obama spoke arrogantly during the 2012 presidential campaign about how under his direction the war in Iraq was ended.  Not that America won the war, but that he ended it with no American fighting in Iraq.

Somebody forgot to inform our enemies.

Most sensible Americans consider a war ending with a victory, but not so with Obama.  In his arrogance, he thought by simply declaring the war over, it would be so.  Many gullible members of our electorate, drowned in a sea of irrelevance in keeping up with the Kardashians, found his rhetoric credible.

Anybody with a lick of sense knew that beyond winning the war, there was to be an extended level of commitment to ensure the ultimate success of the mission.  Leaving without completing the job, and informing the enemy of our departure time, would create a vacuum which would provide fertile ground for the enemy to gain strength.

Now, Iraq, beyond utter chaos, is the scene of devastation with a terror group inflicting a bloodbath of untold evil on tens of thousands of people, something our bravest spent blood and sacrifices in achievement to prohibit.

In the face of this evil running roughshod, prior to yet another extended vacation of endless golf outings, our President seemed to forget that it was his decision to end the war in Iraq, or at a minimum, that he claimed credit for doing so over and over again.

ISIS is in complete control over there, and due to the feeble response from the White House, we can only conclude that Obama has not quarrel with what has taken place.  Sure, Obama has extended rhetoric of support, but his actions, or lack thereof, speak much louder than his words.

Beginning with the burning of churches some eighteen months ago, these evil terrorists have embarked on a genocidal killing spree of historic magnitude.  Christians are being slaughtered.

While Obama is most concerned about the kids entering our southern border, to the extent of extending privacy rights to them, he apparently places little regard to those kids being brutally murdered.  Beyond crimes against humanity, this is genocide at the hands of extreme evil.

I would call out for someone, anyone, to employ Obama to get his ass off the golf course and put a plan together to combat this evil with the strongest forces available. But in doing so, I would have lost sight of what many Americans cannot bring themselves to believe; Obama is not on our side.

Obama does not appreciate the position America has in the world, thinking it was ill-gotten through theft and violence. Obama has emboldened many of our historic enemies, welcoming members of the Muslim Brotherhood into The White House.  Obama's best foreign friend is the Prime Minister  of Turkey, Tayyip Erdogan, who is quite friendly with Jihadists across the middle east.

With actions over weighing rhetoric, we note the close ties Obama has with groups and leaders who are supporters of terrorists throughout the region that Obama. Until launching pin prick limited strikes to keep ISIS at bay, Obama has done nothing to stop the horrific slaughter of tens of thousands of innocent people across Iraq.  Of course, these people are in a position to be slaughtered thanks to the idiotic policies implemented by Obama.

It should be noted, if you have not caught on, that the policies we think are idiotic are the same ones Obama thinks are practical and sensible, all part of the objective to bring America down while allowing a caliphate to become established in the middle east.

Although Obama claims to the contrary, we continue to be at war with those who seek our demise.  While foreign enemies seem obvious to identify, those of the domestic side are not as easily uncovered. 

Obama claims he ended the war in Iraq, but he did not win it.  In fact, his actions have enabled those most would consider our enemy and have presented the conditions that have allowed evil to instigate a level of unspeakable terror continuing as we speak. 

Watch the action without absorbing the rhetoric, and the actions enacted by the administration are not those considered beneficial to the historical positions of The United States, or the Christian faith.  Beyond disturbing, it appears Obama does not seek the best interest of either of those parties.

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