Sunday, August 31, 2014

Beyond Visible Range

The reasoning for the silence is quite puzzling, as the consequences to our nation as founded by President Barack Obama, the actions of a lawless and imperial presidency are profound and quite dangerous.

Among the very few who will speak candidly about the peril our nation finds itself in is Mark Levin, and in a recent appearance on Hannity of FOX News Channel, he gave the grim details.


There are a multitude of areas where President Obama is transforming America, working from within to diminish our presence on the world stage, militarily and economically, under the premise of social justice, but the attack on the sovereignty of the United States of America is forefront.

While many consider the Obama presidency a failure, and by common statistical and historical measure it is, it is actually a most successful tenure if your mindset matches Obama, where the goals are the destruction of the Constitution being implemented beyond the visible range of a citizenry seasick on a sea of irrelevance.

In other words, we have an enemy from within operating in plain sight, with the citizenry, and many elected officials, finding the motive of actions, the destruction of America, inconceivable.

John Lennon, in his brilliant song Instant Karma, an epic noting that while the liberalism and narcissism of your world may mask the real world externalities and geopolitical issues from your mind, facts, economic realities and increasing terrorist threats are omnipresent and will present themselves.

If the American citizenry does not soon wake to the mounting perils facing this nation, lyrics from Lennon's masterpiece may be prophetic.

You better get yourself together
Pretty soon you're gonna be dead

About the lack of a plan Obama has for ISIS.  Is he derelict in duty, of is he on their team?

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