Everyone is in!
The Chevrolet SS pace car this past weekend for the running of NASCAR's GEICO 500 at Talladega Super Speedway was looking sharp, painted pink and making strides against breast cancer.
The Florida State University Golden Girls Dance Team, posing with the 2014 College Football Playoff Trophy, were looking lovely in Tallahassee this past weekend prior to the the most watched regular season college football game in over two seasons as visiting Notre Dame fell at the last second to Florida State.
At my place of employment, and most likely yours, the company has presented numerous opportunities to have fun and raise money for this wonderful cause.Man, this is a great story.
Or is it.
Once upon I time, I was eager to contribute to this seemingly worthy cause. Like many other families, cancer has affected many of my relatives, taking the life of my Uncle in his thirties with other family members counted among the survivors.
However, I no longer participate in fundraising with the Susan G. Komen Foundation, as I have learned that a significant portion of the moneys raised end up in the hands of Planned Parenthood. Once this became public, there was a significant backlash against the now named Susan G. Komen Foundation for the Cure.
Appropriately, in my view, part of that backlash included a decrease in the donation level. But not necessarily for the reasons you may think. Let us take a step back and review.
Susan G. Komen had annually made significant donations to Planned Parenthood, which is essentially an abortion mill disguised as a womens health organization. Abortion is legal, but many see the act as much more than birth control, but rather murder. Although I am against abortion, we won't debate that now.
Margaret Sanger, the founder of what has later become Planned Parenthood and a hero to Hillary Clinton, was really an evil woman. Thought to be advancing the rights of women, and perhaps there was some thinking in that regard, the central force in her social activism was eugenics. Included in her thoughts was that it was a worthy enterprise to "assist the race toward the elimination of the unfit."
Masked under the premise of womens health, abortion was considered a vehicle to rid the nation of those who were unfit in the eyes of Sanger and her fellow progressive elitists. You see, Sanger and her crowd knew better than you, including who was fit enough to live and die. Imagine the arrogance.
In the world today, where an ill mouthed statement can forever label you a racists, it was indeed Sanger and is indeed Planned Parenthood that are seemingly assisting in the demise of the African-America population, as an article in The Washington Times notes the following:
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Abortion Surveillance report revealed that between 2007 and 2010, nearly 36 percent of all abortions in the United States were performed on black children, even though black Americans make up only 13 percent of our population. A further 21 percent of abortions were performed on Hispanics, and 7 percent more on other minority groups, for a total of 64 percent of U.S. abortions tragically performed on minority groups. Margaret Sanger would have been proud of the effects of her legacy.
Due to this, many potential donors hoping to defeat breast cancer have taken donations elsewhere, which led the organization to cease funding to Planned Parenthood. However, this action was seen as taking a stand for abortion and against womens rights, creating a bunch of anger among other supporters, which included resignations from high level executive within the organization. The Foundation, caught in a squeeze, acquiesced and once again began donations to Planned Parenthood.
As The New York Times reported, "The people at Komen, it seems, are pilloried no matter what they do".
Personal views are indeed the final straw here. I will no donate any of my hard earned dollars to an organization that openly funds an organization whose mission statement is to invest in "groundbreaking research, community outreach, advocacy and programs in over 30 countries". While I strongly support the effort to defeat all cancer, it is those donations to community health outreach, likely comprised of donations to Planned Parenthood, that I will not support.
Therefore, with the Susan G. Komen Foundation in bed financially with Planned Parenthood, they will venture on without a dime of my money. My money is much better allocated to supporting other worthwhile charitable endeavors.
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