It is unfortunate a large contingent of our citizenry is, as Aldous Huxley so brilliantly predicted, drunk on a sea of irrelevance; unwilling and/or unable to recognize the damage being done to our system of government.
With the media criminally negligent in failing to report the actual events taking place in various arenas, inclusive of the monetization of the debt, real unemployment numbers and engagements in international relations, it is increasingly difficult for the average citizen to make heads or tails of the going on.
As such, the citizenry relies on reported rhetoric rather than being able to decipher actions undertaken. A determined examination of the actions of the Obama administration foreign policy in the middle east would lead the examiner to ponder decisions seemingly against previously established relationships, and as West noted, counter to the security of the United States of America.
Discarding the many false premises presented by the propagandist media and President Obama and his representatives, a non-biased look at the facts would find the conclusions drawn by Lt. Col Allen West as reasonable, credible, and sadly, true.
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