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Michael Ramirez/Investors Business Daily |
However, things are under control for President Obama.
Obama did run guns, seemingly in hopes of an event which would sway the American public opinion with respect to the second amendment. Can you think of any logical reasoning to arm those engaging in conflict with our border patrol agents on the southern border?
Richard Nixon dreamed of targeting political enemies, and had articles of impeachment filed for attempting to use the IRS to do so. Obama did utilize the IRS to target, not only individual political opponents, but political groups and non profits political organizations across America. In the aftermath, the administration has dodged and deflected Congressional inquires all the way home. These are impeachable offenses.
Perhaps the most despicable actions of the Obama administration, completely inclusive of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, was the actions undertaken in Benghazi. As if sacrificing patriots charged in the defense of our nation is not deplorable enough, both President Obama and Sec. Clinton lied to the American people, and the families of the fallen, about their deaths, floating propaganda about a video causing all the disturbance leading to the death causing conflict. It was gun running.
Obamacare is nothing short of a governmental takeover of private industry. Democrat operatives have spoken aloud, even if ignored by the mainstream media, that the objective is to put private insurance companies out of business. And no, you cannot keep your doctor and no, your premiums are not decreasing. It was, and is, all a lie, right down to the death panels.
The border rush of all those youngsters on tricycles entering our nation through the southern border was not a 21st century rebirth of the gumball rally. No, it was a vehicle in the effort to transfer the wealth to those in nations the United States supposedly oppressed as we built our prosperity through free market enterprise and entrepreneur ship.
An opponent of our allies and a friend to our enemies, the release of five of the worst terrorists we held captive for a servicemen who by most accounting went AWOL is beyond criminal. Listening to Private Bergdahl's father speak in code to our opponents, an orchestrated slap in the face to America by Obama, was really hard to swallow. This is high treason. Of course, if you have been following along, Obama is not on the same team as Uncle Sam, and I, are on.
Those charged in protecting the President are repeatedly dropping the ball. Obama is a very bad guy, but we cannot have his security fail resulting in his injury or death. In this country, we remove tyrants through a the legal process. Keep in mind the enemies in foreign lands are really his friends, even Medvedev.
Ramirez ran out of room.
In addition, never in history has the government in this country so aggressively sought the observance of the citizenry as those under the command of Obama. From the usage of the IRS to Common Core, it is so out of control the battle between dystopian authors George Orwell and Aldous Huxley over who was right is in vogue. I'll go with Huxley, by the way.
You think Obama thinks he is losing grip by all the above items cited as out of control. Yet Obama is an anti-colonialist, an opponent of the west and free markets. Obama is working, very effectively, to give them the wealth, them being those who the United States supposedly oppressed to achieve our wealth.
None of the above referenced items would have gone the way they did if you were in charge. Think about it.
Obama is not lacking in intelligence, or arrogance, and he has got things in complete control, as least as far as he see it.
The transformation of The United States of America. Indeed, Obama has it under control.
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