Monday, February 23, 2015

Assault of Freedom of Speech in Net Neutrality

If you thought Obamacare was a fraud perpetrated against the American people, wait until you come to grips with Obama's effort to take over the Internet.  Titled Net Neutrality, as reported in The Wall Street Journal, Obamanet promises to fix an Internet that isn’t broken.

As Ronald Reagan so eloquently pointed out, government does not solve problems, it subsidizes them.

So, why would the government aspire to takeover huge industries? To fundamentally transform The United States of America?

Certainly, there is the taxation angle which, for a government too big to stop feeding itself, would increase revenue.

However, the costs would be a drag on economic growth, which has been most elusive under the tyrannical Obama administration.  Recall from your economic study that the more you tax something, the less of it you get, and that is a limitation on consumer choice.  You pick and choose your utility company, right? 

Then, of course, there is the regulatory angle, where the government seizes control over the industry, arbitrarily deciding, for the good of the people, which crony capitalism "partner" best deserves to control information.

Paraphrasing Reagan once again, when the government gets involved, it won't be the system malfunctioning but somebody mishandling the machinery, seemingly by design.

If you were progressive Democrats, regulation and taxation seem to be an adequate reasoning for embarking on such an endeavor.  But, this group is not your parents Democrats, and from listening to Obama representatives speak in their own words, I fear, like Obamacare, we are not being told the real plan at work here.

Introduce yourself to Mark Lloyd, who we have discussed here on the blog previously.  The former Diversity Czar under Obama, Lloyd speaks lovingly about how a similar takeover of the free press in Venezuela hastened the "glorious revolution" which gave Hugo Chavez smothering power over his political enemies.  For the record, Venezuela is now in economic shambles, and freedom is scarce.

Simply put, the Obama administration claiming they need to gain control over the Internet to fix non-existent issues which would if needed be more efficiently dealt with in the private sector world of competition is nothing more than a vehicle to encroach upon your freedom of speech, taxing and regulating free market commerce while silencing political enemies.

We do not need Net Neutrality, and the Obama administration, in particular, has soundly demonstrated they cannot be trusted with such responsibility.  Channeling the freedom loving mind of Reagan once more, what we need to do in this country is to alter the economic situation by changing one simple two letter word economic control by government to economic control of government.

Our founding fathers spoke of limited government, and expansive government control was something they wrote and warned vehemently against. The government has taken control over finance, energy and health, each of which are far worse off since governmental infiltration, has taken aim at the right to bear arms and now is in direct assault on communications.  

We are rapidly losing the freedoms most claim to hold dear in this country, and America had better wake up quick. If this battle is lost, a tyrannical government limiting, not only your freedom of speech, but your overall freedom, will gain a most significant foothold, one which will likely never be able to be regained.  

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