Michael Ramirez/IBD |
World War II was won in approximately five years, yet we have entered our fifteenth year of fighting these Radical Islamic terrorists. George W. Bush seemed handicapped in doing so by making effort to appease the slew of moderates, along with the entire left wing, who grew tired of combat after being bombarded with propaganda from the mainstream media. Rules of engagement increased the degree of difficulty for our soldiers in the fight, and after we achieved victory, an election squandered it all.
A war weary electorate voted in President Obama, who proclaimed he would end both of the "ill-advised" wars the US was involved in, slamming Bush at every opportunity. Notice Obama said "end" the wars; he did not utter a word about winning, or victory. But why?
Obama does not want to defeat these folks; in fact, he is on their team. Obama wrote in his book Audacity of Hope that “I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction". Come again?
For those who do not really know who Obama is, this comes off as some sort of taken out of context comment. But it is far from it. Throughout his terms in office, Obama has been cold to our longtime allies and has had en empathetic tone engaging in bridge building with our enemies, who hate us now more than ever.
As Dinesh D'Souza so brilliantly pointed out in his move "America", Obama is an anti-Colonialist who has disdain for America, but particularly England ( immediately upon being elected returned bust of Churchill given to the US after 9-11) and France ( did Obama attend the peace rally last month? ) due his perception they mistreated and stole wealth from other countries in the region. Obama's father held strong beliefs along this line, and "Dreams From My Father" was not just a catchy title. It was the truth.
Obama is seeking a greater Syria, a re-establishment of the Ottoman Empire, allowing a Muslim territory to gain immense power in the region; a power to rival America. As president, actions undertaken by Obama have made America much weaker on the world stage; a transfer of economic wealth and military power. In addition, like the majority of the region, Obama holds a deep loathing of Israel, easily evidenced by his actions toward one of our dearest allies.
While most responsible world powers grow increasingly concerned about unstable player Iran, who I consider the head of the snake in the region, obtaining nuclear power, Obama has not made any effort to thwart the Iranian effort. To the contrary, without a Congress willing to take him on, he has donated heavily to Iran with taxpayer money we do not have.
ISIS is running roughshod, just recently burning a Jordanian prisoner alive. Their objectives have been clearly stated, and they have unleashed slaughter and terror across the region with little or no tangible evidence Obama has done anything about it. He angrily refuses to even acknowledge who the enemy really is; which is Radical Islam for our low information readers.
Doing nothing about this historic advance of terror is one thing, but as FOX News Kimberly Guilfoyle so appropriately ponders, "Why is our president resupplying terrorists?"
Certainly, anyone on the side of the red, white and blue would never release top level terrorist prisoners during the fight, but Obama has on many occasion. Back in my day, and I am no old codger, this would be defined as high treason. Why Congress refuses to seek the immediate impeachment of our commander in chaos I find troubling.
Dinesh D'souza tweeted today that someone asked him "Would you call Obama the worst American president or the first anti-American president?" Well, that is some question, is it not?
For those who wondered about what the characteristics of the transformation of America might look like, perhaps you can now see. Obama seeks to diminish America and our colonial partners in punitive fashion on the world stage while fostering an advancement of the Muslim faith, open borders and Marxism throughout the world. The evidence is overwhelming and on full display, and I conclude his is indeed the first ant-American president; an enemy within.
Meanwhile, evil is looming large on the landscape, and it must be promptly and thoroughly defeated.
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