Monday, May 4, 2015

Dreams They'll Never See

Entitlements from the government have placed many low income inner-city individuals and families in a box, with decreasing avenues of escape; just as it has been planned. The inhabitants of the inner-city, most with limited educational acumen, hit the voting booth to cast ballots for those who have proclaimed they are here to help.

However, most of these folks gaining the confidence of the inner-city population, are impostors; power hungry individuals and charter members of the ruling class who make a business of keeping trouble and utilize the low information crowd as permanent supporters.

With regard to the inner-city residents, do you think they can tell?

They cannot, and most will not force the issue, refusing to seek freedom from an oppressive government. Those with the benefits to dole out control those who receive them, from day to day life to dreams of dignity and success.

Therefore, it is said.

"Welcome my son, welcome to the machine. What did you dream? It's alright we told you what to dream". Imagine being placed in a box by a ruling class which limits what you can dream?

Dreams are in flames in Baltimore.  Dreams these youthful Orioles will never see.

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