Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Crony, Phony and Downright Dangerous

Although GOP hopeful Carly Fiorina accurately notes logging mile flying worldwide is an activity and not an accomplishment, Hillary Clinton portrays the book of her life as containing volumes of significant achievement.  With the mainstream media labeling her the most qualified to seek the office of the presidency, which is fall off the stool laughable, it would appear from the dismal turnout on her recent book tour the electorate know better.

Editorial Essay/Micahel Ramirez/

It remains an imponderable that seemingly half the country, after all this time, really has no idea who Hillary Clinton really is.  Readers of the blog will recall we have devastated her in previous blog posts, most notably the one describing her as lurking in the shadows.

The Clinton's are everything the Progressives claim to despise. Rich and powerful members of the 1%, they award gifts and access to those who pay for them, engaging in crony capitalism making the system inefficient and crowding our opportunities for those on the outside to achieve success. If the Progressives were legitimate in their quest for the working family, they would run from these folks like their hair was on fire. But, the Progressives are far from who they claim to be, and it should be easily obvious to all.

Since the very bizarre beginning of her 2016 campaign, each step has been a train wreck, not withstanding the news media carnage while foot chasing her around while she rides aimlessly in her rented econoline van.

Sure, we laugh at the meetings with ordinary folks in random areas of Iowa that are actually orchestrated with campaign operatives playing the roles of Hawkeye voters.  HRC, who has reportedly not driven a car sine 1996 (yeah, she is just like you) rolls up to your local fast food outlet like it is an everyday occurrence.

By the way, have you seen Bill around?  Have you ever wondered the last time they slept in the same bed together like 99% of most other married couples?  Oh, they are in the 1%; I almost forgot.

Everything about this woman presented in the mainstream media is propaganda, except now that the curtains have been pulled on the Clinton Global Initiative, it may be a matter of fraud.  Frequently lying to the American public is certainly not considered virtuous as the Founders hoped our leaders would be. Selling access to a public official usually ends in jail, but somehow it seems jail is not a place a political darling will end up, although former Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell may quarrel with you.

But selling weapons to friends and enemies without proper Congressional approval could be considered treason based upon who actually got the weapons.  Yes, ever widening pay to play scandal has entered the realm of international arms dealing, as reported by DC Whispers.  The more we learn, the closer we come to preparing a cell in the Graybar Hotel next to Mr. McDonnell.

A logical look at Hillary Clinton would conclude she has been champion of distortion and failure throughout her career.  However, if you approach it from what she would deem successful, from a basis of the teachings of Saul Alinsky and Cloward and Piven, you consider her a rousing success.

For those of us who are stewards of the Founding Fathers, who believe in limited government, liberty, freedom and the right to pursue happiness free from excessive government intervention through regulation and taxation, she is in no way, shape or form is this an individual we should even remotely consider for our highest office. She is a champion of distortion and failure, an oppressor of the little people and someone who lies at the shift of the wind to bolster her personal position.

She is a crony, a phony and as it turns out, a very dangerous individual to the freedoms American holds dear.

As noted by Cleon Skousen in his brilliant book "The 5000 Year Leap, "The most promising method of securing a virtuous and morally stable people is to elect virtuous leaders."

Without question, this does not describe Hillary Clinton.

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