Among the destruction, the fact that we again have lost the rule of law in a major US city is of grave concern. The lawlessness led to the unthinkable; forcing the Baltimore Orioles to cancel a game, then play a home game in front of nobody because the police were unable to protect fans, and then move a home series with the Tampa Bay Rays down to Tropicana Field in St. Petersburg, again, for safety purposes.
How about arresting those who fail to follow the lead of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr by engaging in looting, violence and the destruction of private and public property? Well, in Baltimore, Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake doesn't think much of private property, and ironically, she is not related to the Rawlings Co. that makes baseballs.
One could argue the current leaders of the federal government are not unhappy about since it gives them the opportunity gain even more control over the citizenry. Al Sharpton, a proxy mouthpiece for President Barack Obama, quipped that due to the events of Baltimore, and the previously orchestrated protests in Ferguson, MO outside of St. Louis, it is now time to federalize the nations police departments.
Let that one sink in for a moment. Sharpton, and make no mistake, Obama, want the power in Washington and not locally in our communities, cities and states. This directly contradicts the wishes of our Founding Fathers, but Obama and his teammates view our founding documents as charter of negative liberties, limiting what the federal government can and should do. The Founders, of course, sought to limit government.
Those that have weighed in on these events include anybody and everybody. I was interested in the thoughts of two individuals; Dr. Alveda King and Dr. Ben Carson.
Dr. Alveda King, is the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, who so eloquently and effectively championed the civil rights movement. She knew both her father and her uncle would strongly disapprove of the protests in Baltimore, and said so in an editorial, although the political leadership of the city did not want to hear of it. You see, to the progressive leadership in this county, King's message is considered weak, failing to include the grievances and reparations this group feels they are owed.
As the chief neurosurgeon at John's Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Carson, who has announced his candidacy as a republican for president in 2016, could offer informative commentary given his longtime residency in the city. Carson did an interview printed in GQ, noting "Obviously I'm sad to see what's going on there."
Jesse Lee Patterson had a brilliant piece over at World Net Daily, pontificating if white America just said no!
One of my all time favorite NBS stars, legendary NBA Hall of Fame player Kareem Abdul-Jabbar of the Los Angeles Lakers. Although I am not sure if it is deserved, Abdul-Jabbar is getting hammered over his written comments about the unrest in Baltimore.
“I suggest we all pay attention to what’s happening in Baltimore, because it’s very likely that unless the economic and injustice issues raised there are addressed in a meaningful way across the country, we will be seeing many more Baltimores throughout the election season.”
Maybe Abdul-Jabbar sees thing differently than I do.
I blame much of the inner city issues in Baltimore and other major cities on the failed experiment of The Great Society, where government has infiltrated, and help break up, the family by introducing incentive killing entitlements. Marriage rates have tanked, leaving many youngsters to be raised without a Dad, or in many cases, without parents.
Entitlements from the government have placed many low income inner-city individuals and families in a box, with decreasing avenues of escape; just as it has been planned. School choice, ended by President Obama who frowns upon folks leaving the inner city for the suburbs, has reduced opportunities for those who seek to advance their education beyond the capabilities of the inner-city schools.
Government has established a permanent voting base in these cities, for those who are in regular receipt of the entitlements will likely never vote to have them taken away. Of course, they fail to recognize they have become a slave to the state. Do they even know the are rioting against the Man while voting to become a continuous slave to the Man in supporting the progressive Democrats.
There is no easy answer here. However, I have a few simple ideas:
*Faith needs to regain its rightful place as the centerpiece ones spirit.
*The family needs to re-established as paramount.
*The election of city leaders who inspire greatness; not race hustlers who claim the residents are victims. As noted in Proverbs 29:2, "When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn."
*Firmly establish the rule of law. If the city is lawless, commerce and brotherhood is lost.
*Educational opportunities need to be expanded, not squelched.
*Mentoring is a vehicle which can provide a vision for youngsters to find avenues of success
*Freedom; the removal of shackling governmental regulations and taxation, assisting in the establishment of the entrepreneurial spirit and individual discipline required to achieve gainful employment. Freedom to try, buy, sell and fail.
*Elimination of the grievance industry. No reparations, no social justice; just free market capitalism.
Why not give it a try? Free market capitalism is the equivalent of basketballs' unstoppable sky hook shot, a staple of Abdul-Jabbar's game. After all, how's the progressive big government Great Society working for the inner city folks? It is where dreams go up in flames; literally and figuratively.
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