Wednesday, June 24, 2015

The Health Trap

As many of us accurately predicted, Obamacare as passed was unsustainable and would create such dysfunction cries for a quick fix would roar. It has begun, and the end game of a single payer plan, always the goal, is coming our way quicker than first thought, limiting choice and reducing quality of care for paying consumers, placing your health care in total control of the Federal Government.

Zero Hedge, citing a Wall Street Journal report, produces a thorough and scathing post detailing how the passage of Obamacare will permanently limit the efficiency of deliverance across the board, raising the costs, reducing competition and limiting accountability, quality and safety for the consumer.

Costs and premiums are rising, while you cannot actually keep your doctor.  Choices of plans are diminishing, and flexibility of coverage for the insured is being reeled in. Your relationship with your physician is no longer paramount, as he relationship that counts is between the company providing you with your plan and their biggest customer, which is the federal government rather than you.

In addition, Sarah Palin was quite correct.  There is the formation of death panels, which will become an unwanted intrusion into the relationship between the physician controlled by the government and you.  Sadly, the less the government values your contributions to society, perhaps indicated not by action but by age, the more cost prohibitive the necessary procedure becomes, significantly limiting the odds the patient receives the procedure.

President Obama, at a very minimum, misrepresented health care legislation to the American people. Elections have consequences, and sadly, thanks to idiots drunk on a sea of irrelevance who were fooled once again, we are about to pay up, and in a most punitive way.


Voters sent GOP representatives to the Congress and Senate in droves in 2010 and 2014, sending a strong message they wanted this signature and partisan legislation defeated.  However, when the GOP presidential candidate was himself an advocate of government health care, just ran by smarter people than Obama, the conservative base shrugged.

It has gotten so bad, these politicians from both sides intoxicated with power, that many in the GOP, while publicly expressing opposition, quietly worked behind the scenes to help Obamacare limit across the finish line.  A weapon, the power of the purse, was never seriously considered. Speaker John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell are very weak and need to be defeated, and as Mark Levin says, "Let them fight for their political careers as our response to their disgusting and pathetic behavior.”

The legislation was not about health care.  It, with a hidden concern of global warming, is about control of the people.  Progressive elites are concerned about population control and the effect the everyday habits of private citizens have on the earth. Obamacare has many tentacles within the legislation nobody has read, which leaves decisions to "the secretary" or to panels assembled with unelected  bureaucrats who are untouchable  by the electorate.

In addition, these panels may be globalized, and fall under the jurisdiction of the United Nations, again, with the main concern of global warming and population control.  Activities will be taxed, as the progressive elite utilize media partners in the promotion of health conscious lifestyles, whether you wish to be involved in them or not.  Budweiser will not be considered a healthy lifestyle.

When the dust settles on this new trade agreement, and it becomes clear America is taking direction from a global governance, health care will be spread across the globe to those who are not as fortunate. While this may be a wonderful thing to be involved in, the taxpayers will foot the bill whether they want to or not.

Bottom line is that you were lied to about Obamacare, inclusive of  its true objectives, the costs associated with it and the benefits, or lack thereof, you will receive from being enrolled.  The same big health care companies previously in charge are still in charge, except they answer to the federal government rather than to you. And the price to get in bed with the federal government, which comes from loss of directional control and financial freedom, will be steep, paid for at the end of the day by the end consumer; you.

Idiots voting have dire consequences, and we will soon learn that lesson the hard way.

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