Friday, November 27, 2015

A Real Turkey

Michael Ramirez/Investors Business Daily

Given the subtle references, this is perhaps the most impressive work by Investors Business Daily brilliant editorial cartoonist Michael Ramirez in many a moon.

Obama is in fact a turkey, in more ways than one.

Obama has great affection for Turkey and their Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. As we have previously reported, our commander in chief is an individual who seeks the degrading and transformation of America to a bit player, defines the USA as a country that must pay for its perceived sins as an oppressor and an individual seeking to advance the caliphate, where a Muslim country regains power similar to the days of the old Ottoman Empire. In short, it is reasonable to conclude, by his actions, our president is playing for the other team. And on this team is in PM. Erdoğan.  Neither individual is the least bit concerned about the activities of ISIS, who they see as offer a necessary function in cleansing the territory from infidels.

Obama is an enemy within, hiding in plain sight, with America unable to see the forest from within the trees.

In Sept of 2014, we noted Obama was enabling enemies of state, arming terrorist organizations and helping to create the chaos necessary to fuel the flames of insurgency, all of which escalates the power Iran yields in the middle east. Obama is not delusional. His actions, assisting Iran in forming the caliphate, with ISIS free to do the necessary cleansing, are intentional and orchestrated.

A real Turkey indeed.

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