Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Trimming The Bushes

The Bush family has a long legacy in politics in this nation.

Prescott Bush was a Senator from Connecticut, which heavily influenced his son, George Herbert Walker Bush, who became the 41st President of the United States after serving eight years as Vice President under President Ronald Reagan and had perhaps the most distinguished career of any modern day politician.

George H. W. Bush's son, Jeb Bush, currently running for the GOP nomination for president in 2016, was a very successful two term governor of the state of Florida.  Of course, another son, George W. Bush, after a successful two terms as governor of the state of Texas, became the 43rd President of the United States.

Overall, while many disagree with differing policies of the each of the Bush's during their tenures of governance, generally speaking most citizens have a favorable opinion of each of the men and their family.  I fit in that category.

As a Floridian, I though Jeb Bush performed very well as governor of my state. I have overall favorable of the presidencies of both 41 and 43, while I would not consider either among the top presidents in our history.  I am not supporting Jeb in 2016 for the GOP nomination.

The Bush family usually stays above the fray of political for the most part.  George W. Bush has had not one word of criticism of Barack Obama, who seemingly weekly blamed W for every problem he encountered.

But, sadly, over time, the Bush family has felt compelled to bash other republicans.  Former First Lady Barbara Bush had spoke strongly of her distaste for Sarah Palin.  Jeb Bush discussed how the GOP should move away from the policies of Ronald Reagan.

Unlike many, while we had areas of disagreement, we have always held George W. Bush in high regard.

Therefore, from a man of decency who has declined to comment on a president leading our nation to destruction, we were puzzled on his unprompted voiced negativity regarding Sen. Ted Cruz. Glenn Beck has a theory on this, on which we place a high degree of accuracy. On the issue in question, we strongly side with Sen. Cruz, and expansion into the area of question reveals some troubling avenues of concern, inclusive of immigration.

Although I did not really recognize it at the time, both Bush presidents can be classified as progressive, where the idea of government expansion in the lives of the citizenry, something Reagan acted against, is welcomed.  In fact, given the families close relationship with Bill and Hillary Clinton, it would appear they have little problem with the US traveling the same track, just think they can do a btter jog of maneuvering the levers.

It appears, given where Jeb currently stands in the race for the 2016 GOP nomination, the progressive blueprint the Bush family has embraced to political success has been discovered by GOP primary voters and appears to be being soundly discarded.

At least we can recognize that the Bush family are good people, as evidenced by the actions of George W. Bush just today, who on this Veterans Day, visited a group of veterans who were visiting his presidential library in Dallas.

God Bless all our Veterans! We all greatly appreciate your service and sacrifice!

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