ISIS, which currently has France on edge after the ruthless and hideous attacks earlier this month in Paris and Brussels, home of NATO, on lock down and is killing "infidels" with lethal abandon, seems to be running roughshod across the globe, almost unabated.
Russia seems to be engaged in the fight, appearing to be forced into action after they had a passenger jet shot down about a month ago. Stop and give that a moment of thought; Russia had a passenger jet, with innocent citizens, shot down.
Vladamir Putin is not a good guy, and Russia, without question, has ulterior motives. Russia noted the turmoil being caused by the uprising in the middle east, and had taken action to increase it standing in the region. GOP presidential candidate Marco Rubio accurately pointed this out in an earlier GOP debate, and of course, Mitt Romney hit Obama with the news of Russia and their dangerous plans in a 2012 debate.
If we are indeed at war with the evil terrorist group ISIS, why has the Obama administration not thoroughly dismantled their main sourcing of finance; oil. Furthermore, who are the buyers of this oil, and what are their motivations behind helping to finance this evil band of terrorists? Evidence suggests it is reasonable to conclude Obama is playing for the other team, but who else, in terms of the financing, is joining him?
Among foreign leaders, Turkish PM Erdogan is Obama's best buddy, and both support establishing a greater Syria, or caliphate, in the middle east, against established American interests.
Moscow has accused Turkey of being involved in ISIS's oil trade, and has presented evidence backing the accusations. This credible evidence, and evidence from outside observers of geopolitics and intentional markets suggests it is Turkey that is purchasing oil from ISIS, allowing it to gain strength and standing in the region. Make no mistake, Obama is fully aware of this and has no issue with it.
Turkey is making many moves in the region, moves that would not be tolerated without the US backing. The actions are generally against the common positions held by the US, but those positions are at lengthy odds from the direction placed into action by President Obama.
US officials noted the oil being smuggled in is "economically insignificant". "The State Department has dismissed Moscow's charge against its NATO ally, insisting there is no evidence to support it." However, an admission of the smuggling came from Amos Hochstein, U.S. special envoy and coordinator for international energy affairs. "The amount of oil being smuggled is extremely low and has decreased over time and is of no significance from a volume perspective - both volume of oil and volume of revenue," he said.
It is noted that the Muslim nations, and in particular those seeking to establish the caliphate, have a deep disdain for not only the western colonial powers, but Russia, who was a signatory of the Sykes-Picot Agreement.
What we have in a commander in chief; is an individual who seeks the degrading and transformation of America to a bit player, defines the USA as a country that must pay for its perceived sins as an oppressor and an individual seeking to advance the caliphate, where a Muslim country regains power similar to the days of the old Ottoman Empire. In short, it is reasonable to conclude, by his actions, our president is playing for the other team.
In September of 2014, we noted Obama was enabling enemies of state, arming terrorist organizations and helping to create the chaos necessary to fuel the flames of insurgency, all of which escalates the power Iran yields in the middle east. Obama is not delusional. His actions, assisting Iran in forming the caliphate, with ISIS free to do the necessary cleansing, are intentional and orchestrated.
President Obama has no intention of doing anything to significantly disrupt the activities of ISIS. In fact, it certainly appears Obama and the members of his administration are enemies within.
But, placing your opinion from what you may have read here or on other sites should be secondary to watching the actions of President Obama. They will tell you everything you need to know.
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