“Listen, I think both Cruz and Trump would have a similar impact on the party, neither of which would be very good. I am actually more concerned about Cruz than I am about Trump,” said GOP strategist John Feehery, a former senior leadership aide who is a columnist for The Hill. Feehery added, “I think Cruz has made a reputation of relentless mendacity ... I think he’s a demagogue and I think he’ll destroy the party. I think Trump is much more of a blowhard. But there’s not really a dime’s worth of difference between Trump and Cruz.”
Actually, Trump and Cruz differ significantly.
Trump is a get things done progressive, who thinks he can utilize his management skills to orchestrate the levers of government to function in a much more efficient and productive manner. Banking the many relationships he has established in many areas of commerce, Trump visualizes making America great again.
Trump thinks our government is led by a bunch of idiots who fail miserably at getting what those of on the outside would be considered common sense initiatives implemented. The Donald finds their negotiating skills horrendous, monetary management atrocious and lack of a backbone and ability to advance positive solutions for the nations ills a mind boggling failure. And Trump is not afraid to call them out either.
Americans, not only republicans but democrats and independents, are eating it up. Trumps position in the polls is not by mistake, is on quite solid ground and appears to be gaining strength.
But there are many pitfalls in the course of action Trump aims to take, as it appears Trump has no plans for a reduction in government activities, just promises much stronger management and effectiveness on the activities he deems warranted. But continued centralized planning and control, a mainstay for progressives, makes for a powerful government highly susceptible to corruption, which is something Trump campaigns against.
Cruz is a Constitutional conservative.
Following the constitution is paramount for Cruz as he seek to bring America back to her founding principles, which are inclusive at their core to individual rights, limited government and Christian values. Cruz finds the government bloated and oppressive in their ever expanding regulation and taxation, and seeks to limit government influence in the everyday lives of the citizenry, returning the power to the people.
Cruz does not view our current government as idiots at large, rather men who adhere to a differing ideology which borders on anti-american, policies that favor a reduction in the sovereignty of our nation, increasing control over the citizenry by the ruling class and an oppressive government and centralized power increasing in reach from the people.
The reason Cruz ins unpopular with many of his colleagues in the Senate is due to the fact he has called them out as the thieves and liars they are, merchants of a corrupt system of the ruling class they desperately seek to protect. As president, Cruz would immediately begin work to dismantle these levels of corruption in the halls of Congress.
So it is that one area Mr. Feehery is accurate in is that both men would derail the status-quo, which has the ruling class in GOP establishment quite concerned. You know, Ronald Reagan labeled the status-quo as Latin for the mess we're in, and boy howdy, are we in a mess.
Donald Trump, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz |
With the candidacy of Jeb Bush in ruins, the GOP establishment has turned to Marco Rubio, a candidate they tried to squash as he rose up as a Tea Party candidate challenging the unprincipled Charlie Crist is a senatorial race in Florida.
Now, Rubio is the only hope they have to salvage the big game they are playing in Washington. While not the wildcard Trump or Cruz represents, Rubio is not a sure bet for the establishment either, just preferable to the unthinkable.
But as it stands now, with Trump and Cruz out front, the establishment is very, very nervous.
Meet the ruling class, who consider authoritarian control over the nation appropriate, and as it suits them, engaging in corruption and failing to follow the rule of law with an allowance for what they view as legally permitted. Any candidate that is perceived as a threat to their power will be targeted for ridicule; labeled as extreme and discredited within the media.Now, Rubio is the only hope they have to salvage the big game they are playing in Washington. While not the wildcard Trump or Cruz represents, Rubio is not a sure bet for the establishment either, just preferable to the unthinkable.
But as it stands now, with Trump and Cruz out front, the establishment is very, very nervous.
While they fear Trump, they are petrified of Ted Cruz, and will make every effort to destroy either or both candidates as polling would dictate.
The long knives are out, including from some unlikely sources, inclusive of usually on point Ron Paul.
If they fail in the efforts of destruction of Trump and Cruz and cannot get Rubio in, many have stated openly about the possibility of a brokered GOP convention or God forbid, consideration of supporting Hillary Clinton.
They wonder how this has happened, but the rise of outsiders, of which both Trump and Cruz would be considered by any analytical measure, is a creation of a themselves, a republican party that has failed, in large measure since Reagan left office, in adhering to the principles of limited government, individual freedom entrepreneurship.
Rather than opposing the socialist democrats, with such limited push back while the government expansively runs roughshod over the citizenry, it would be reasonable to conclude the GOP was complicit and supportive of the transformation of America.
Exit all conservatives and libertarians, in addition to the Reaganite republicans.
Should the ruling class not be toppled in 2016, I am fearful America will continue to promptly drift away from freedom and liberty for all and become a much darker place as Reagan once warned us about.
Trump and Cruz differ significantly, and there is a choice to be made between the progressive Donald Trump, perhaps a version of the Gray Champion depicted in Struass and Howe's 1997 brilliant generational theory masterpiece "The Fourth Turning", or Ted Cruz, who wholeheartedly embraces the Constitution and the principles laid out by our founding fathers.
Either of these two gentlemen, both of whom are certain to crash the status-quo, would be far superior to another administration of ruling class elites who seek global governance, embrace the transformation of wealth and govern against the will of the people.
Our nation is in real trouble and the next administration will have legions of major, unforeseen issues to navigate through. We will need an individual whose feet are firmly planted in principle to guide us through.
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