Monday, January 4, 2016

The Enemy; Foreign and Domestic

ISIS is being utilized by those seeking an Ottoman Empire style caliphate as a cleansing mechanism.

It is very important to understand that "we can destroy ISIS tomorrow, but we will still be in an extended war with a hundred other groups who all have a vision for restoring the Caliphate. This war will never end until we crush their supremacist agenda by demonstrating that we will never again allow such a horror to exist on this earth. As long as Muslim groups hold out hope for a restoration of the Caliphate this war, in its various forms, will go on".

Whether the Obama administration admits it or not, we are at war. Exacerbating the issue is that President Obama is on the side seeking the caliphate, while the greater majority of America is not; and few even know, or God forbid, even care.

IT’S NOT ISIS WE NEED TO BEAT -- IT’S THE CALIPHATE.  Understanding the Caliphate Curve
by Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is a New York writer focusing on radical Islam.

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