BAHL Revere will be casting a ballot on March 15 in Florida for Senator Ted Cruz of Texas for President of the United States of America.
To take a step back, the wide field for the GOP was a collection of outstanding individuals for consideration, with each and every one of them far superior to anyone the Democrats have running or thinking of running.
While a couple of them had no hope, some had stellar backgrounds and compelling visions for the future of America.
Rick Perry and Scott Walker were very accomplished men who for whatever reason were eliminated early on. Both were outstanding, conservative governors.
Bobby Jindal has always impressed, but although he came out swinging, he never got any hits.
Sen. Rand Paul we hold in very high regard, but he got off kilter in many of the debates and did not in our estimation adequately address the terror issue, which sadly became a top discussion point in the aftermath of terrorist activity.
Carly Fiorina was tremendous, calling out folks and speaking with eloquent and intellectual precision, but she never could keep hold of gains she would make. If it were up to me, I would find something for her to do in the next administration.
The time has passed for Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum, although Santorum does have keen insight on the Islamic situation, which could benefit the next president.
Chris Christie is a very smart guy and quite capable. But over time, we have learned of his progressive leanings and we cannot get past his embrace, seemingly for political purposes, of President Obama in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. Brokeback Boardwalk we found appalling.
As governor of Florida, we had absolutely no complaints with the performance of Jeb Bush. But Bush is now an open border man, spearheaded common core and thinks we need to move away from the Reagan years. He must have lost his ever loving mind. Thanks, but no thanks.
We have never really embraced John Kasich, who we consider a conservative Democrat. Had he switched parties, he may well be our next President. He is a fan of Common Core and thinks government can pick winners and losers, which I abhor.
Dr. Ben Carson is a brilliant mind and a wonderful person, and would be dealing with healthcare issues in the next administration if it were up to me. But we never saw him as "the man" this go around.
That leaves Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and Donald Trump.
Marco Rubio got our vote for Senate in Florida, where he campaigned as a Tea Party guy. We elected him to go stop Obama. Next thing we know, Rubio has team with Sen. Lindsey Graham (R:SC) and Sen. Chuck Schumer (D:NY) to craft an immigration policy which allows forms of amnesty. In addition, Rubio cast the sixtieth vote on the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), which we consider an attack on American sovereignty. Therefore, of the remaining three, he gets our bronze.
Donald Trump is an individual I have always liked over the years, and love his book "The Art of the Deal." In 2011, we asked Trump to run as a Democrat to derail Hillary, as Trump himself said he has always thought of himself as more of a Democrat. Trump is scoring big on the issue of the border, and is also against the TPP, which no doubt helped him get the endorsement of Sen. Jeff Sessions (R:AL), one of our favorites.
We have been very disappointed with the demeanor carried by Trump during the campaign. Trump does not take criticism lightly and appears to have an enemies list of those who he considers an opponent, which we do not condone. Trump appears to not have a deep understanding of the Constitution, and seems uninterested with the constraints of placed on government within the document. He recently said he supports the healthcare mandate, which we deem unconstitutional.
The list of people who despise the candidacy of Trump includes many of our favorite folks, inclusive of Mark Levin, Glenn Beck, Sen. Ben Sasse (R:NE), Dana Loesch, Andrew McCarthy, Dr. Thomas Sowell and David Barton to name a few.
Other folks we like are backing Trump, inclusive of Sen. Sessions, are Sarah Palin, Michael Savage, Eric Bolling and Steve Forbes.
Trump will get things done, and we consider him perhaps the Grey Champion described in work of Strauss and Howe in their "The Fourth Turning" book. As described by Jim Quinn of The Burning Platform, the Grey Champion "doesn't necessarily have to be a good person, but they must lead and display tremendous confidence in their cause and path." As America enters the period of a Fourth Turning, the arrival of a Grey Champion is a must, and he will come. Is he here?
While Trump is intriguing, a breath of fresh air and someone ready to place a well deserved kick in the ass to not only the GOP establishment but the entire ruling class, he exhibits too many liabilities to garner my support in the primary.
That leaves Sen. Ted Cruz.
In the last several weeks, the Cruz campaign has lapsed, having been taken off message and blindsided by some decisions made by staff members. Cruz is in the weeds trading insults with Rubio and Trump and the news media. Just this Sunday on FOX News, Cruz appropriately called out Chris Wallace, but when given the opportunity to knock him out with truth, failed to do so.
Cruz needs to get back to his original message, which empowers the individual, limits government, forces financial sanity and returns our nation the the friendly confines of the Constitution.
Much is made that Cruz is not well liked, but we view that as a positive. My vote is not sending him to Washington to get along with and do deals with progressives and socialist whose objective is to transform, if not ruin, the country as founded.
I know which politicians have been fighting Obama every step of the way, and Cruz leads that brigade. Cruz is a principled man with great respect for our founding who is country first, recognizing the expansive opportunities available in an America which champions liberty and freedom.
A major divide in the GOP is forming, and good people are getting in unnecessary scraps. All of the blame can be placed on the GOP establishment, who have become one with the ruling class and have rejected the will of the governed.
While my ballot will be cast for Cruz, I fear it is too late with the Trump train having already left the station and I am quite certain Trump will win Florida easily.
Should Trump become the eventual nominee, while I have reservations beyond those documented above, I will support him against Hillary Clinton, who could never secure my vote, Micheal Bloomberg, who could never secure my vote, or a GOP establishment candidate (Mitt Romney?)should the GOP start playing games down the road.
America is over with the games, and that is why, in large measure, Trump is on his way to a landslide win, not only in the primary, but in November as well.
I think the Grey Champion is here.
Monday, February 29, 2016
The Case For Cruz
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