Barack Obama was elected behind a very strong legion of younger voters, who quite frankly, have never experienced this country in an economic malaise. At 44, I can barely recall the gas lines which stretched for blocks and the disastrous economic condition of our great land. I do recall what got America back to its rightful place of leadership in the world; the capitalistic free market policies of Ronald Wilson Reagan.
Presently, behind the policies of Barack Obama, this country is embarking on a direction Reagan would be adamantly opposed to. The Obama administration is not going to let this economic crisis go to waste as they are using it to gain control over many aspects of the lives of our citizens.
Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them--Ronald Reagan
This has got to stop, and it begins with making your voice heard. There are many outlets to do so, like starting a blog, joining like minded groups (Glenn Beck's 912 Project) or participating in one of the tea parties scheduled to take place at a city near you on April 15, 2009.
The Budah-BAHL-Ash tour will be at Orlando City Hall at 6PM looking for Thomas Paine!
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