Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Independence Day

While most free market capitalist Americans see every day as Independence Day, many government elected officials and left wing loons look to April 15th as a trip to the candy store. They see this day as a day to feed the monster of well intended programs that have given way to a socialistic mentality which is crippling our once thriving economy.

Ari Fleischer, former press secretary for George W. Bush, wrote an outstanding column in The Wall Street Journal on the disaster that our tax system has become. Most, if not all, citizens near the bottom of the scale pay zero taxes, and in fact, receive tax credits making their rate of taxation charted in the negative. An alarming balance of the taxes are paid by the wealthiest of Americans, who are the ones who tend to be most philanthropic and those who start major business who employ high numbers of workers.

The current tax code is indeed an abomination, and Larry Kudlow moderates a discussion on The Kudlow Report with the aforementioned Ari Fleischer, Wall Street Journal Editorial Board member Steve Moore, former Labor Secretary Robert Reich and Jim Tisch, chairman of the Loews Corporation (L:NYSE).

The famous novel Atlas Shrugged is some 675,00 words. The Bible is near 800,000 words. Our tax code is estimated at 3,700,000 words. Enough said.

The Obama administration is on a spending spree not seen in our history. President Obama is of the mindset that government and it's checkbook is the preferred avenue of resurrecting the economy, as further evidenced by his speech today. This type of thinking sinks potential workers into a drug users position in the form of welfare and breaks the competitiveness inside of them.

I believe that small business, behind the entrepreneurial spirit with limited governmental regulation and taxation, is the vehicle to provide this great land of ours with a free market path to prosperity. Ronald Reagan believed that as well.

We might come closer to balancing the Budget if all of us lived closer to the Commandments and the Golden Rule--Ronald Reagan

It is with that spirit that there will be over 500 tea parties across this great land today. Among the items spearheaded with Glenn Beck's 912 Project is the subscription of a set of principles and values. The Golden Rule would be one of those, and if any of our politicians recognized this, they would stand firmly against the spending that is set to cripple our children if not tackling us in the meantime. Most all do not, so it is time for action on our part.

Please join me in peacefully making your voice heard. Hopefully, I won't have to Jack Bauer any trouble making ACORN representatives at the Orlando Tea Party at City Hall tonight.

In an effort to better your mood, grab this Revolver and enjoy our annual presentation of the following Beatles/George Harrison composition:

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