Saturday, June 27, 2009

Congressional Idiots Assault Prosperity

While we were debating, or being told about, health care, the other hand was hard at work rushing the newest piece of legislation down our throat, and this will be particularly painful. The largest tax increase in the history of the United States was narrowly passed by the House of Representatives yesterday, so get ready to shell out some cash for a monster shell game Bernie Madoff would be proud of. All in the name of global warming, which is the greatest hoax of all time.

Most folks are barely getting by these days as it is, due to the fallout of the housing crisis, caused in large part by you know who. Now, due to this nonsense, prices, particularly for energy, are set to "skyrocket" and slap silly any chance of a powerful economic comeback.

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner testified that "we can't address the problems with climate change or our dependence on foreign oil without changing the incentive people face for how they use energy". I reject the whole premise since I do not concur there are problems with global warming or climate change. These bozos don't know if it is going to rain 2 hours from now, and while looking out the window, neither do I.

Incentives do work, and given the complete idiocy of our dependence on foreign oil, why are we not drilling off our coasts? What this cap and trade legislation will do is incentivize people and firms to use less energy, and guess what, that means less production and less output, translating to lower profits, fewer jobs, less competition and a contracting economy. Sounds great!

On a side bar, remember those on left pining for the perp walks of those in charge over at Houston based Enron. Have yourself a look at portions of the business model of Enron and the cap and trade legislation. Notice any similarities?

I was going to ask my local representative about it, but historical evidence indicates that might not go well.

I will work as hard as I can to defeat the idiots supporting this bill when the next election comes around, particularly my local representative, Alan Grayson. Not only am I opposed to his line of thinking, I think his conduct is appalling.

1 comment:

Cap'm said...

WOW, I thought he was a prick, now he's shown everyone how big of one he realy is, and who's that thug at the end of the clip? We should hound him with video cameras when he comes to town, just to get all the little clips we can, showing him for the tool he realy is.