Palin was scheduled to be a part of an Autism event in upstate New York over the weekend and was to attend a GOP dinner in Washington on Monday evening. While an estimated 20K were in attendance in upstate NY, an indication her popularity, she did not speak at the GOP dinner, where Newt Gingrich headlined.
During this period, Palin was cleared of the ethics complaints that bombarded her during the campaign, and the mainstream media (MSN) failed to bring that story to you. Also, America Online, who funds a political blog called Politics Daily, published an article covering the allegation as fact by a Huffington Post writer that Sarah Palin plagiarized Gingrich in a recent speech honoring Michael Reagan. Here are a few examples as published in the article:
Palin: We have to remember that Ronald Reagan never won any arguments in Washington. He won the arguments by resonating with the American people.
Gingrich/Shirley: Reagan never won an argument in Washington. Reagan won his arguments in the country with the American people.
This was Palin's backbone on the campaign trail. She, like Reagan, was a Washington outsider who has little regard for big government and the argument by Reagan resonated with the American people.
Palin: Remember this? His vision for the Cold War? We win, they lose.
Gingrich/Shirley: On the inevitability of the Soviet Union, Reagan responded with a then shocking vision for the Cold War -- "we win, they lose."
Reagan did launch this classic and it is thankfully often quoted. Even Bobby Bowden fired out a version of it when he said "if they don't score, we win". So simple a caveman can do it! (Rut row, better credit GEICO and disclose I am a shareholder of GEICO's parent company Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.B:NYSE)
Palin: First, I think what we're going to learn tonight via Michael [Reagan] is that Ronald Reagan's ideas were the right ideas and all we have to do is look back at his record, his economic record and his national security record to know that his ideas were right.
Gingrich/Shirley: What should Americans learn from this remarkable man and his remarkable Presidency?... The "right" ideas really matter (the left was wrong and Reagan was right about virtually every major public policy issue and the historic record is clear for those willing to look at it).
Since the Obama administration is following the policies of the Carter administration catastrophe, it is prudent to review Reagan's historic record for what does work in times of crisis. I have written about it on the blog, HERE, HERE & HERE.
Certainly, the writers of these articles are free to hold whatever opinion they like, but I think in reviewing the allegations, it is quite a stretch to raise up the prospect of plagiarism. And, given the timeliness of the article, political motives were obviously a factor as the left appears to be quite fearful of Palin since they feel compelled to launch an attack on her whenever she steps out on the national scene .
In fact, in another Huffington Post piece, writer Shannyn Moore penned the following:
(M. Reagan) He thinks Sarah Palin is the future of his father's party.
I can only hope. I may be the only person who watched Sarah Palin give a speech tonight in Anchorage, and President Obama deliver his live to the world from Cairo.
Palin's message; "We Win! You Lose! "
Obama's message; "The people of the world can live together in peace. We know that is God's vision. Now, that must be our work here on Earth. Thank you. And may God's peace be upon you."
I have political whiplash.
Oh my, the lack of depth in International Relations in that assessment is staggering. I found Obama's speech in Cairo on his apology tour a disgrace. It's tough to live in peace with people who want entire countries exterminated. Appeasement has never worked, and Obama is naive to think it will now. Our enemies sense weakness, and unless something changes, the geopolitical climate will continue to worsen.
Anyhow, here is Sean Hannity interviewing Palin yesterday on FOX:
She told you so!
She also named Newt twice as a reference. Also, his spokesman thought it a ridiculous charge. It is amazing the attention she warrants from the left if she is such a marginalized figure after last year's election.
If Sarah Palin is so silly and irrelevant, why the obsession? Clearly the Left noted her appeal, and are out to eliminate the threat- it’s not like it’s not obvious.
And she's been highly successful in life while ignoring the left-wing feminist model… this helps to explain the extra dose of venom in the attacks. Of course, the Democrats are plenty afraid of Palin coming-back at them in 2012 with a dynamic and complementary VP like Bobby Jindal… or visa versa.
And they surely have reason to fear her- Palin is the most popular governor in the country… are all those people idiots?
Alaska was a pretty corrupt system until she stepped in. Her reforms took on entrenched politicians (inc. Republicans), a mafioso-style union boss, and Big Oil.
Wouldn’t it have been nice if Obama had been principled and brave enough to confront the corrupt Chicago Democratic Machine?
Or shady political operators like Tony Rezko?
Racist preachers?
Instead of doing business with every last one of them?
Go get em, Sarah- and don’t mind the press, nobody will be listening to them anymore after the pending Obamamania implosion- and the ties of GE and others with media holdings to the corrupt, Chicago-style Obama administration are fully exposed.
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