Sunday, July 26, 2009

Don't Get Fooled Again

Like many of you out there, I have been trying to evaluate what exactly is going on in Washington. Decisions are being made which make no economic sense placing our country in great peril all the while laws are being broken (debt holders in the car bailouts).

A full assault on small business seemingly trying to break the entrepreneurial spirit is coupled with a severe ramp up in excessive costs, taxation and regulation. Massive government laws are being proposed and passed without the proper debate. In fact, the congress is not only not reading these bills, they are passing bills in principle that have not even been crafted yet. And, this is being done against public approval.

Should the Congress ever get a backbone, some 35 Tsars have been created to push the agenda. These individuals answer to the President, and are not accountable to the American people.

The system is being overwhelmed. The federal deficit is expanding exponentially with money we do not have, saddling generations to come with a smothering debt. This is nonsensical. What is going on?

As usual, Glenn Beck has a thought, and regrettably, I feel he is right on target. Take a listen.

Essentially, through massive government programs, it boils down to redistribution of wealth, from those that have it to those who do not, which disproportionally effects, and in this case, benefits minorities.

I am wholeheartedly against this. I remember in grade school the kids who disrupted class and did not apply themselves, for whatever reason. They are the ones who did not put the hard work necessary into preparing themselves to be competitive in the marketplace and therefore are not as successful as others may be.

In the capitalist system, there are winners and losers. If you are losing, you work through vehicles like education and work ethic to become more competitive. This is the thought process that made this country great, and losing it to socialist policies like government initiated redistribution of wealth, particularly to right perceived wrongs from the past, will no doubt lower the standard of living, eventually, for all of us.

This adminstration is pulling a fast one on all of us. Educate yourself and don't be fooled!

1 comment:

Budah said...

It should be a crime the way recent legislation has been passed. I would not vote for any rep or senator that voted for a bill they had not read nor understood.

Case in point: the porkulas bill that had specific language to permit AIG to pay its contractually owed bonuses. Language added by on Mr Chris Dodd. It was dishearening to see so many pols, including Dear Leader, take such perverse actions against the employees of a private enterprise. Especially since they had voted on the exact bill that authorized the payouts.

Sadly, that has become common place in our sorry excuse for legislators these days.