Saturday, July 4, 2009

Palin Hits Pit Road

Caution on the political speedway as Sarah Palin has unexpectedly, or so it seems, pulled down on to pit road!

In her rather stunning announcement that she will be resigning her post as Governor of Alaska, she has made a significant move leaving both detractors and supporters scratching their heads and opining with speculative prognostications.

And as a Palin supporter, why not join the parade, although the thoughts posted here will likely not be similar to the greater majority you will read out in the blogosphere.

Attacks from the left on Palin have been relentless, even after the 2008 presidential campaign has long since been decided. In fact, a barrage of ethics complaints have been filed, and she has had to spend countless hours defending these allegations. And that is what they are, as she is 15-0 defending them. In addition, the state of Alaska has had significant costs associated with them and Palin family has is estimated to have occurred some $500,000 in debt, quite a toll for a middle class family participating in our electoral process. Regrettably, the attackers of Palin did not limit it to her and her positions but leveled vicious attacks on her family and continue to do so even today.
I like the idea of Palin being free and able to fight back, and gaining the ability to travel the US and collect some speaking fees to balance the family financial ledger puts her and her family, and any future political hopes she has, on more solid footing.

Certainly, as I have previously written about HERE and HERE, the left is scared to death of Palin and everything she represents. Those folks are firebombing negative commentary in every direction, some of it quite despicable. As for the elitist criticism from both sides citing her lack of formal education (non ivy league) and lack of accomplishments; be careful not to underestimate her and others fitting that criteria.

From the GOP, although there are a few, Mary Matalin and Rush Limbaugh among others, who support or are taking a wait and see attitude on the move, most Republican pundits are aghast and have called the move "a big mistake", "bewildering" and one that "raises serious questions". A colleague claimed she "abandoned Alaska". There are the Republican brass upset she is not going to "play the game", but they fail to see it is not about parties, but rather a commitment to core principles which have absolutely left the buildings up in Washington.

As we reflect on the many tea parties that have been taking place across the country, we recognize that the functionality of our government is broken. I find it refreshing a potential candidate is taking an outside the box approach, free from the dozens of establishment handlers who encourage candidates to value poll numbers and not speak from the heart with common sense, something I think our country is thirsty for.

As a group of us sat together for some wings and beer at Hooters across the street from the Daytona International Speedway this weekend prior to dropping the green flag, we wondered how our once great country was placed in the hands of a man so strongly at odds with our views across the spectrum, and we pontificated what legal actions, from our limited position, we could take to right the ship. For us, the options are few.

For Sarah Palin, the options are now uninhibited and unlimited. I think she feels like many of us do, that time is rapidly going against us, and a leader needs to emerge to help challenge the detrimental policies being forced down our throat on a weekly basis. While it may seem she is bailing on Alaskans by ending her run as Governor too soon for the fine folks up there, she is doing something I am looking for in a leader, putting Country First.

I look forward to the coming weeks as we see her plans unfold. For now, a four tire change, a wedge adjustment and two cans of Sunoco fuel. Maybe she will become a talk show host? I hope not, because I think she has bigger fish to fry and will emerge as the conservative voice of reason many of us have been searching for, perhaps positioning herself for a 2012 campaign where she will have the opportunity to present her position.

She sure had Barack Obama's positions nailed down when I heard her speak in greater Orlando last October.

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