Friday, July 10, 2009

Misplaced Priorities

Certainly, the death of The King of Pop Michael Jackson was a newsworthy event. Jackson may have been one of the most well known celebrities worldwide and was among the best musicians of the day. Factoring in his death being unexpected and the mysteries surrounding it, media coverage was warranted. I made commentary on it myself HERE.

Unfortunately, the media coverage of Jackson's death extended significantly beyond what any fair thinking journalist would deem appropriate.

The Aunt of one of our fallen soldiers has called the media out. FOX News (imagine that) has it. Take a listen:

A Hero to be sure.

Folks traveled from all the world to attend Jackson's concert, or funeral, and some 10,000 people showed up for an American Idol audition yesterday here in Orlando. It was the lead story on the front page today of The Orlando Sentinel? OMG!

Meanwhile, we have two wars going on where our soldiers are risking their lives for our freedom, and it almost seems few care. Certainly, in many cases, the media is more interested in using the deaths of our soldiers to promote political points.

An example of that would be the suicide rate among soldiers that was highly promoted a few years back and used as an attack mechanism against George W. Bush. The rate was actually higher during the Clinton administration versus Bush and now has risen to higher levels under Obama.

Was that stat in your morning paper? An alarming piece on CNN?

Would any of the news organizations like to do a piece on how America might help our soldiers rather than using items like this to slam their opponents politically?

Philosopher Edmund Burke once said "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

Bad things are going on home and abroad while many Americans sacrifice for American Idol and worship non-deserving people like Michael Jackson. Essentially doing nothing. Will evil triumph while many Americans priorities are misplaced?

HOPE is not lost!!! Keep up the fight!

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