Monday, November 9, 2009

Freedom Rang in '89

A celebration took place today in Berlin, attended by our Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, marking the 2oth anniversary of the Berlin wall coming down.

Surprisingly, President Barack Obama was busy and could not attend. One would have to wonder what was so busy to preclude him from attending. Was it date night or movie night? Well, Monday is bowling day at the White House. Missing Tuesday is out of the question, for that is poker day and Obama could perhaps get a fizbin? I know it was not his deliberation on the troop requests, since there has been none. Perhaps his help was needed in ramming the unconstituional health care bill down our throats. At any rate, he should have gone, as it is an opportunity gone by for a few shout outs!

The media is not impressed that the freedom rang back on that day. in fact, some in the media openly question the role of the US, and wonder if our ego is at play?

Speaking of ego, when Obama visited Berlin on his apology tour and referenced the wall coming down, he did mention John F. Kennedy and of course himself. On this anniversary, he did find time to send a video praising himself, but failed to mention those who bravely stood before him. In fact, the architect of the event was not mentioned, at that time or today, which is beyond alarming.

I was a senior in college when the torch was lit, and although much of the elite media have conveniently forgot the events as they unfolded and who was responsible, I have not. And, so you don't either, here is the man, dictating events and orchestrating freedom and free market capitalism at every turn.

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