Saturday, November 7, 2009

Systematic Deception

It is most unfortunate that much of the country is not engaged enough to warp their arms around the deception being thrown at them by the Obama administration and our Congress. Even more distressing is the arrogance and thought process behind the hood winking of the public, from incorrect job numbers, saved jobs and hidden aspects of bills being rushed without proper review.

Greta Van Susteren, host of "On The Record" on FOX News, discusses the deception and lack of transparency with Wall Street Journal senior economics writer Steve Moore:

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi warns that she will make every effort to push trough this 2000 page bill no one has had time to read this weekend. So much for the transparency Obama campaigned on. Are they hiding something? Why the rush? Sarah Palin accurately calls out the administration on her Facebook page .

Unemployment is now at 10.2% (due to the policies implemented and the free market interference of this administration in the aftermath of a bubble bursting) and things seem to be spiraling out of control, and under the sense of emergency that appears to exist, the government is asking you to trust them as they take power away from from you, through health care and cap & trade for example, and aim to dictate your life.

Our founding fathers wanted limited government, and as Ronald Reagan once said, as government expands, liberty contracts:

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