It was a pleasure to see Katy Abram, the woman who railed on Arlen Specter in Pennsylvania at a town hall meeting, at the event.
Here are some photos I took of the evening.
Bill Clinton is not impressed by the Tea Party movement as reported from a closed door meeting he had with Democrats this past week. Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) quoted Clinton arguing: "The reason the tea-baggers are so inflamed is because we are winning."
Winning at what?
No doubt, the Obama administration has thoroughly defeated all the previous administrations, combined, in expanding the federal deficit.
Obama is winning his assault on small business, shackling them with excessive regulation and taxation. I know this first hand.
High marks are given to the administration for the crushing of the dollar and overheating the printing presses.
Never has an administration covered such vast territory in apologizing to the world for all the United States successes.
Although the administration fired out rhetoric proclaiming it would be the most transparent of all, they have been quite slippery in rushing through bills not only have the American people not read, but neither have the Congressional representatives who are voting on them.
The level of proficiency in working around the back door of Congress by creating a full bench of Czars is unparalleled.
This administration will go down in history as the best at promoting the most radical moonbats possible as non elected policy makers.
Winning at the level of associations with thugocratic union types. Check.
Obama is winning on his efforts to seize control over large portions of the private sector, if you can believe that here in America.
The running of the two wars the US is engaged in; into the ground.
Home runs on transforming the United States of America and plotting the evil transfer of wealth through Cap and Trade and The Health Care abomination.
No damn wonder the tea party folks are mad. Any free market capitalist American would be! The administration and its operatives, like Mr. Clinton, want to and are discrediting those speaking out.
Because they hear voices. I Hear Voices!
Tea Party Attendees: We got the key!
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