Monday, May 10, 2010

A Big Frickin Zeal

The other day on the Glenn Beck Radio Program, Glenn brought to the attention of his audience to a blogger from New Zealand who, like Beck, is hot on the Obama shenanigans. His name is Trevor Loudon. Take a listen:

Certainly, this is a blog you will want to keep in your daily whip around. You can find his work at New Zeal. Loudon's work is substantial, thorough and well bookmarked.

You may also want to bookmark his Keywiki site, which unlocks the covert side to US and global politics. I find it a fantastic reference.

The evidence detailing the path to the total transformation of The United States of America by Obama and his associates is overwhelming, and you can follow the story in Loudon's Obama Files section. Time is short! You must become engaged, educate yourself and spread the word!

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