Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Imperial President of the World!

Did you hear the comments made recently by a top ranking weasel in Hollywood, Woody Allen, about Barack Obama? I know. You said to yourself "what a frickin idiot" and chuckled. Well, hold the laughter. Please listen to the following interview by Sean Hannity of the authors of "The Blueprint", Ken Blackwell and Ken Klukowski.

It is crystal clear to me that the premise of this book is right on target and the "transformation of America" President Obama engaged upon is reality, and it must be stopped immediately.

Don't buy it? Take a look around. The installation of some 40 Czars, who are not vetted by Congress, are a case in point as many have backgrounds and have previously stated positions completely out of sync with mainstream America. I wonder if many of them even know, but Obama has been stripping the Congress of it's power through corrupt mechanisms and subverting the constitution with the Czars dictating policy.

Then there was the takeover of the car companies, complete with picking winners and losers with respect to dealerships and pitching in the garbage the historical positions of bond holders.

Same with the courts. Obama railed against the campaign reform court decision on campaign finance even though he has dozens of lobbyists in his administration after vowing he would not and is the biggest campaign recipient from Fannie Mae, British Petroleum and Goldman Sachs, all in the news today for negative reasons. Remember the recent Appeals Court decision on net neutrality Obama did not like. Captain Earflaps declared he would bypass the court turning broadband service providers into public utilities in order to regulate under his direction rather than allowing free market principles to dictate. In addition, he aims through appointments to The Supreme Court to make it a rubber stamp for his radical positions, and both of his nominees fit his agenda perfectly.

These are just a few examples, and if you support Obama you may like the results of his actions. What if the other guy is in charge? It is these imperial actions, government taking away the rights of private citizens, subverting the Constitution and transferring power into a central position in the executive branch where Czars implement policy and can go unchecked, that represents a significant departure from the principles our government was founded on, and those include 3 equal branch's of government.

If you don't stand against Obama and behind our founding fathers, the transformation of America will become complete and life as we have known it will be nothing more than a memory.

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