Here we go!
1. Please name three leaders of today that you see pulling our asses out of the mess we're in?
I found the first two real easy.
First, I think Congressman Paul Ryan (R:WI) is someone who has a real grasp of the economic status we find ourselves in, and I feel this is a critical attribute moving forward. Rather than just criticizing the administration, with his Roadmap for America, Ryan has presented an effective plan to redirect our once great country in a pro growth free market path.
New Jersey is a complete mess, until Chris Christie was recently elected Governor. Christie is a free market capitalist and is implementing policies that are certain to get New Jersey back to competitive footing. Christie recognizes the heavy burden that entitlements bear on economies and he is set to use Reagan principles to right the ship. And he does not care if you don't like it!
My third choice is former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. Although I quite like her, and I think more people support her than you may think, she may be too polarizing to take the Presidency. That being said, she is a rock star and has dictated policy from posting on her Facebook page. Can you imagine? Palin can continue in this role supporting policy and candidates that fit the "tea party" principles that most conservatives yearn for and speaking out on issues of importance during speaking engagements. I have met her personally, have seen her speak live and I warn you to underestimate her at your own peril.
And a special nod to Glenn Beck, whose foresight and courage to walk the plank alerting the American citizenry of the progressives aggressive march make him an American Hero in my mind.
2. Regarding the stock market, I may sell about 25% of everything of my positions and ride this out on the sidelines. What say you?
For sure, we will revisit the "flash crash" levels. Unfortunately, I think we will take another 15% or so down from there at a minimum. Companies have been beating earnings estimates that were revised down so deeply it makes them look better than they actually are. While I do think the economy is improving slightly, the housing crisis is not over, the unemployment rate under the policies being implemented will remain elevated for some time and the debt levels are unsustainable.
The environment is against small business, who creates jobs and innovates. This will put a brake on the recovery effort, as will governmental intervention efforts like health care, financial reform and cap and trade, which would be horrendous to small business.
Once it seems baked in the cake Obama is finished, a major move higher will take place. Until then, while their are individual opportunities which require tight supervision, cash is king!
3. You recently responded in the comment section to a Facebook entry by Eric Bolling of FOX Business as he discussed being thrown under the bus by Media Matters when he spoke of progressives ruining this country. Did Bolling go too far?
Absolutely not. I am gravely concerned about the direction the current administration is taking this country and am in total agreement with Eric that the progressives are ruining this country, and in a hurry.
The administration is lawless in many regards and seems to be following Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radicals as evidenced by how they treat those in opposition to them. The appease our enemies, apologize for America and fail to recognize America's position as a divinely inspired land that stands apart from the rest of the world. The administration lacks an appreciation for our Founding Fathers and favors collective rights rather than individual rights. They are economically inept and the foreign policy decisions boggle the mind. This is nothing more than a group of thugs from Chicago who are interested in righting the perceived wrongs of the past and seem poised to use global warming as a vehicle for the global transfer of wealth through whatever corrupt means necessary.
While I have had this right on the blog the whole road traveled, America is waking up slowly. I fear it may be too late. As Ronald Reagan said, "if we lose freedom here there is no place to escape to, this is the last stand on earth".
4. With the Big Ten talking expansion, College Football is apparently on the verge of what could become a major realignment of the conferences. Your take?
I am a traditionalist in this regard and have a great appreciation for the old rivalries we find across the country. I also like the intersectional matchups we usually see in September before conference play begins. One thing I do not like conferences having some members for basketball and then others for football, and look no further than the Big East for an example of this.
I think the best course of action would be for Notre Dame to drop the arrogance and join the Big Ten, which would allow the conference to hold a championship game and keep the Michigan-Ohio State rivalry. The Pac Ten needs to expand to have 12 teams and follow suit with a championship game, with expansion teams being Boise State and Utah (BYU has obstacles which knock them out).
I think the demise of the Big 12 and potentially the ACC as we know it then triggering possible SEC expansion when and if the dominoes start to fall would not be good for the color and pageantry of NCAA College Football.
5. Guests on "Imus in the Morning" are asked to list their five favorite songs, What are your top five?
Wow! This will be tough. Here are five that come to mind in no particular order.
"In My Life"
The Beatles
Led Zeppelin
"While My Guitar Gently Weeps"
The Beatles
Fleetwood Mac
"Simple Man"
Lynyrd Skynyrd
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