Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Real Zeal of Obama Radicalism on Israel

The Untied States has always had a special relationship with Israel and rightly so.

In the immediate aftermath of September 11, Benjamin Netanyahu, former Israeli Prime Minister, correctly summarized the "historical imperative" the future will deal us.

We have received a wake up call from hell. Now the question is simple: Do we rally to defeat this evil, while there is still time, or do we press a collective snooze button and go back to business as usual? The time for action is now. Today the terrorists have the will to destroy us, but they do not have the power. There is no doubt that we have the power to crush them. Now we must also show that we have the will to do just that. Once any part of the terror network acquires nuclear weapons, this equation will fundamentally change, and with it the course of human affairs. This is the historical imperative that now confronts all of us. ----------Benjamin Netanyahu 9-20-2001

Certainly, it is without question the Obama administration has aimed to sour the relationship, not only with Israel but with other strong allies like Great Britain. One has to wonder the mindset behind this new line of thinking, one I stand dramatically opposed to.

It is also perplexing that so many of our Jewish citizens supported Obama in the election of 2008, not only as a voting block, but also with strong financial contributions. Obama signaled early he was no friend of Israel, but what is the real story behind Obama's intentions.

Trevor Loudon of The New Zeal presented a recent interview with Richard L. Rubenstein, a former professor of religious studies at among other schools, Florida State University, where he became the professorial chair of religious studies. In 2001, Florida State University created the Richard L. Rubenstein Professorship of Religion. The comments of Dr. Rubenstein must be heard by not only our friends in the Jewish community, but all Americans.

Not only is the mindset of the position of the Obama administration with regard to our relationship with Israel against our historical precedent, it is extremely alarming given the global war on terror and the new historical imperative, as appropriately presented by Netanyahu, that we continue to face.

I really wonder whose side Obama is on, and it increasingly looks like he sits on what I see as the opposing bench.

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