Thursday, June 3, 2010

Diary of a Wimpy President

Americans are watching with extreme sadness the effects of the ongoing BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Unfortunately, the Obama administration is treating the spill as a political event and not the economic and environmental catastrophe that it is for America. It is immoral for our government to not treat this spill as an emergency extending every imaginable effort to plug the hole and contain the spill.

There will be time for pointing fingers, but in thinking how our President ran off at the mouth at every opportunity to berate George W. Bush during the response to Hurricane Katrina, his response to this spill as our Commander and Chief is appalling.

Reflect back to Obama running his mouth:

Amongst all the basketball games and concerts, even some of the strongest supporters of the anointed one have called his competence into question, including Peggy Noonan and James Carville.


The areas of Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi are already unnecessarily damaged, and Florida is next. What is immediately needed is some leadership, something that is quite obviously lacking with President Obama. Leadership is something America's Mayor knows something about, and he indicates that the response to the spill by Obama has been horrendous. Take a listen:

As the good ole boys often say heading down the backstretch; lead, follow or get out the way! Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal should have sideswiped Obama and gotten busy weeks ago on his strategy, letting the chips fall where they may. Florida Governor Charlie Crist had better urgently get to work as well. Someone needs to display some intelligent leadership immediately. Our President, who is busy engaging in sports, partying, concerts and assisting political partners while the oil just keeps gushing, is seriously lacking in leadership and given his propensity to blame everyone else for the problems, is a wimp.

Entries in many diaries, and/or blogs, will document this disgraceful behavior during a real American crisis. Think folks are pissed now, wait until the economic effect of this , along with all the other moronic economic decisions, becomes apparent in the form a double dip recession.

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