Some 63 % of the US citizenry approves of the measure Arizona is taking. Oh sure, several left wing moonbats and many illegals are against Arizona, and the list includes the City of Los Angeles and long forgotten musical duo Hall & Oates. President Obama is not happy and met with Gov. Brewer at the White House to voice his displeasure. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton later announced from Ecuador that Obama will be suing Arizona without informing Gov. Brewer first in a classy move.
So Obama is waging battle against Arizona against the will of the majority of the citizenry and creating chaos in the process. Arizona junior Senator John Kyl has a thought, and I deem him correct, on the method to the madness of Obama. The lovely Shannon Bream of FOX news (and FSU) has a report:
The border has been a problem for decades but as escalated in recent years since coupled with the drug problem, we now have national security issues with the increasing threat of dirty bombs. With this in mind, this has to be the top failing of the previous administration.
However, Bush was not using the border as a crisis to craft political legislation. The legislation Obama is hoping to get will give those illegals amnesty and secure significant block of Democratic voters going forward, most of whom will happily accept any and all entitlements offered by the socialist regime in DC.
And in the event the legislation is thwarted, the groundwork is being laid, or an attempt is being made at moving the Overton Window. Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis thinks all workers, illegal or not, deserves to get paid legitimate wages, which would be against the law. FOX News Greta Van Susteren and former George W. Bush press secretary Dana Perino discuss the PSA Solis created.
Workers of the world unite! Andy Stern, who up until recently headed SEIU, is a huge backer of Solis. It seems clear that Solis is part of the Obama team of union thugs who are actively working to govern against the will of the people and inflict social justice upon our citizenry,where collective rights trump individual rights.
This against the views of our founding fathers, free market capitalism and the American way. Therefore, I join Sarah Palin and many others in support of Arizona Governor Jan Brewer in crafting legislation to protect the state of Arizona.
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