Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Dereliction of Duty

As the oil continues to gush from the collapse of the Deep Horizon oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico, President Obama sits down with Matt Lauer of The Today Show to express his anger:

Obama indicates he is not talking to experts in some sort of college seminar, which is a major departure from how he has governed throughout, but looking to identify whose ass to kick. After BP CEO Tony Hayward, perhaps a mirror would be useful. Pamela Gellar of Atlas Shrugs agrees

The continued insistence that the administration has been on top of things is deceitful. Here on the blog I hammered Obama on this and among others, Investors Business Daily has followed up. From The New Zeal comes this video:

Unfortunately, while Obama is looking to kick someones ass, the environmental and economic fallout of this spill are almost immeasurable. What is needed immediately is leadership, as the implications of this going forward appear catastrophic.

A report from Texas A&M outlined by CNN Money tells a dire tale of the economic impact. The four biggest industries in the Gulf of Mexico are oil, tourism, fishing and shipping, and they account for some $234 billion in economic activity each year, according to a 2007 study done by regional scholars and published by Texas A&M University Press. In the Gulf, each of these industries have perhaps been dealt a fatal blow. We all might get hit if the oil travels around Florida and up the eastern seaboard. And what if the inlet to enter The Mighty Mississippi is compromised and shut down shipping?

When you think about it, this is beyond alarming and comes at a horrendous time economically, given this administration has escalated our nations debt to unsustainable levels. This kind of unforeseen disaster presents the kind of problem a prudent government would consider borrowing to assist, not pushing thorough a partisan health care bill 63% of Americans want repealed while tripling debt levels.

The world appears on fire, and the idiotic decisions being made by this administration on just about every front makes the case for a dereliction of duty by our elected leadership and leave this nation in great peril. When a disaster of the the magnitude of the Gulf Oil Spill is added to the mix, perhaps forecasting a double dip recession, this country is left quite vulnerable. Don't think for a moment we are not the only folks who recognize it.

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