Wednesday, August 11, 2010

$26 Billion Fraud

We have an emergency! With many states, who criminally spent exponentially beyond their annual budgetary moving average, if they even have one (Uncle Sam does not), now need major bailouts and with the school year about to begin, thousands of teachers need to be paid. Quick, please help!

Enter House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who should be relieved of her speakership the first Tuesday in November, to save the day by calling the House back from summer recess. Oh thank heaven, not for 7-11, but for a $26 billion aid package which was passed yesterday to ease the pain of the states and keep those teachers employed.

Well, not so fast my friend! Enter Rep. Michele Bachmann (R:MN) to hit us with some common sense on the subject:

The problems with this aid bill are plentiful. First, half of the stimulus remains unspent (and passage of that was a hair on fire emergency). States, meanwhile, are in immediate need of some extensive belt tightening, and Governor Chris Christie (R) of New Jersey has a playbook to offer.

And if I hear one more time about the firemen and teachers, who without further stimulus (bailouts), massive layoffs among them will cause significant civil decay, I may blow a gasket. Would the possibility of reducing bloated staff elsewhere in localities be possible? Why always the teachers, police and fireman?

It is not about them. It is about power, and the theft of taxpayer money to support the unions who represent these folks. Don't argue with me, just listen to the retirement of the outgoing General Council of the National Educators Association.

I am at a loss for words to describe the idiots clapping. But Mr. Chanin is right. It is not about the children for the NEA, it is about their power.

I am all for the advancing the education of our greatest asset, our children. However, I am beyond tired of these bureaucrats stealing my tax dollars for the benefit of union executives and members, and the funneling of cash to Democratic campaigns across the land.

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