Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Against The Wind: Israel


On Tuesday, former Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton declared that Israel has eight days to launch a military strike against Iran, since it is believed that after that point, any attack will release radiation upon the Iranian citizenry.

It is disgraceful we have arrived at this point, as Iran with nuclear weapons is unacceptable.

CNBC's Larry Kudlow discussed the perilous situation with very knowledgeable source, former Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger. Take a listen:

Unfortunately, as we have written about recently, the Obama administration appears to be against Israel taking action and seems carelessly naive regarding Iran. Meanwhile, Israel is in deep danger, and I believe they have every right to defend themselves.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is an individual that completely understands the war on terror, unlike our President. I am reminded of the comments Netanyahu made shortly after 9-11:

We have received a wake up call from hell. Now the question is simple: Do we rally to defeat this evil, while there is still time, or do we press a collective snooze button and go back to business as usual? The time for action is now. Today the terrorists have the will to destroy us, but they do not have the power. There is no doubt that we have the power to crush them. Now we must also show that we have the will to do just that. Once any part of the terror network acquires nuclear weapons, this equation will fundamentally change, and with it the course of human affairs. This is the historical imperative that now confronts all of us.
----------Benjamin Netanyahu 9-20-2001

Iran has proclaimed their intention to eliminate Israel, and I believe they mean what they say. I also believe Iran has demonstrated they cannot be trusted with nuclear weapons. Therefore, given the failed policies that have lead us to this point, unlike President Obama, I support actions Israel may deem appropriate to defend themselves.

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