Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Obama Is Destroying America

The Presidency of Barack Obama is destroying America in too many ways to count, but particularly, in each facet of governance.

Columnist and author David Limbaugh joins Sean Hannity of FOX news to discuss his new book, Crimes Against Liberty: An indictment of President Barack Obama. Take a listen:

Obama is governing by executive order, rendering Congress ineffective, shows no regard for the rule of law as evidenced by his takeover of the car companies, uses thuggery on opponents and while governing against the will of the American people, he seems much more interested in directing policy globally rather than domestically. Of particular concern is his complete disregard for the Constitution and the principles, values and faith of our founding fathers.

I have yet to read the book, but I concur completely with Limbaugh's comments during the interview.

America appears to be waking up, although we are in a race against time. If you have neighbors who have yet to see the light, send them a copy of Limbaugh's book. This is a time for choosing, and time is of the essence.

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