Sunday, August 29, 2010

Not Complicated Then or Now

Economically, Uncle Sam is in perilous time and thus socially as government seeks increasing power. While the President continues to proclaim we are on the right track, it is clear this is not so.

What has happened is an increase of governmental influences in many aspects of the economy, from regulation to increased taxation. In addition, there are plans on the drawing board, from Cap & Trade to immigration reform that create a large measure of uncertainty going forward. It is tough to invest in future endeavors with this high level of uncertainty relative to business return on and return of investment.

The playbook to create an environment of increased production is not complicated, and it is not new either.

Ayn Rand, author of the famed "Atlas Shrugged" discussed the environment with CBS News Mike Wallace where liberty versus socialism is outlined. Take a listen:

As we learn in Amity Shlaes outstanding book "The Forgotten Man", Calvin Coolidge noted in a speech in 1924 that "all liberty was individual". Coolidge and Rand, among others, were correct as liberty decreases with the erosion of individual rights.

Florida is a mess, with among the highest number of home foreclosures in the nation. GOP Senatorial candidate Marco Rubio, in delivering the weekly GOP address, demonstrates his understanding today of the steps necessary to begin the process of securing the future of our exceptional country.

Many on the left, the same crowd that incorrectly blames Wall Street for the current economic crisis, are angry that Wall Street is not "participating" in the initiated programs aimed at helping the economy recover. The GOP is labeled the party of "no" for blocking governmental action, which is false since the Democrats, until the election of Scott Brown in Massachusetts, held a super majority. The GOP could go white water rafting and it would be of no consequence.

I support those in the GOP and those on the corner of Wall & Broad for not supporting most of the initiatives set forth by the administration to thwart the crisis, as they all take power away from the individual and give it the government, allowing the elitist politicians, who think they know better than you, to control and govern our lives. Obamacare is a classic example of this.

Free market capitalism remains the best path to prosperity, and the sooner we all recognize this and move away from a nanny state thought process, the sooner a real summer of recovery can begin.

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