Thursday, September 9, 2010

Amendment 4 Attacks Property Rights

Amendment 4, also known as the Hometown Democracy Referendum, is a very serious threat to property rights. Excessive governmental regulatory influences on property owners to utilize their property in legal fashion is not only an attack on the property owner, but all consumers.

The Coalition for Property Rights has presented a brief summary on the amendment, and the following video is quite informative.

Please join the Coalition for Property Rights and various other organizations for a Land Rights Rally BBQ cookout. See the following schedule:

The Coalition for Property Rights

An old-fashioned LAND RIGHTS RALLY & BBQ

Friday, September 10th 11:30 - 1:00 p.m.

Sorosis Club, 501 East Livingston Avenue, Orlando

Passage of this amendment would be a very serious blow to the economy of Florida, and would allow government to seize more of your rights, further reducing your liberty our founding fathers fought so hard for.

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