Thursday, July 26, 2012

A Call for Minutemen to Rise for Freedom

Since the election of President Barack Obama, the Progressives, sadly interchangeable with Democrats these days, have been pummeled in virtually every significant election since. While some victories have been uplifting, perhaps the most significant was the election to the United States Senate by Scott Brown of Massachusetts.

Although the Affordable Health Care Act has evaded logic and has become law, the election of Scott Brown, (R:MA), turned a bright light on all the cockroaches in Washington. Brown is up for reelection this fall, and is being challenged by Elizabeth Warren, an anti-capitalist champion of socialism.

You may recall Warren, somehow thought of as a financial scholar, was appointed by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D:NV) to chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel which implemented the Troubled Assets Relief Program, or TARP. Warren is a collectivist and is not a friend to economic freedom to be sure.

Although Obama is currently getting pummeled for his recent heartfelt comments about business owners not being responsible for their success, it was Elizabeth Warren who first sung that tune. In a recent campaign advertisement, Brown hits them between the eyeballs. Take a listen:

You do not need to be known as Frank Luntz to know this is a very powerful video.

While Scott Brown is not a favorite of the conservative nation, he likely is just perfect for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Further, Brown supports economic freedom and recognizes for the most part the principles the Founding Fathers set forth for us.

Not one Founding Father would take a second to consider supporting Warren, and neither should any of the minutemen roaming Massachusetts.

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